💜Ouma💜 X Suicidal! reader

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Guess who's back. Back again. KaedeYurio is back. Tell a friend~ Hey guys! Welcome back to my oneshot book! Thanks for reading this chapter! It means alot.. You 7 people.. reading.. Even if it was just one! I still appreciate you all coming back and reading! Now! On to the chapter!


3rd POV:

You had been in this killing game for too long, You wanted to escape this "school" and die already. You never had much to live for anyways, and for what you remember from your previous life you never had much in the first place. Everyone here had their own friends, And here you were still being judged by everyone. Or at least you felt like it, The worst part of it all was a certain purple haired boy who always like teasing you. "Hey Y/N!" You held your breath, hoping it wasn't who you thought it was. But it was, As you turn around you are met with Ouma running towards you. You sigh and cross your arms as he approaches you.

"Hey there outcast! You looked so lonely over here without any FRIENDS. So i thought i would take it upon my self to help a lonely girl out!" He said with a laugh. Tears started forming at your eyes, "O-Ouma.. Im not a outcast.. I just don't l-like people." You said quietly. "Wow! If i were you i wouldn't like myself either!~ Nishihi~" You could feel the tears coming down now as you turned away sobbing at his brutal insults and ran back to your dorm. "I want to get out of here.. without killing anyone.. it's time." You said quietly as you picked up a knife and held it closely to your heart. Suddenly there was a bang on the door and you could hear Ouma's voice. Unfortunately, The door wasn't locked and he came in. "Y-Y/N.. What are you doing?!" He asked in disbelief and lunged at you, you dropped the knife and fell over with him on top of you.

"I don't wanna p-participate in this stupid killing game! I wanna die already!" You shouted louder than you wanted too. "Y-Y/N.. Im sorry.. i-i.. like you! I only teased you because i didn't want you to find out.."

Sad ending:

"Ouma.. I'll think about it... I don't know how to feel about this.." You mumble as he gets off you. "R-Really?! I'll wait for for you Y/N! As long as you need" He said joyful and skipped out of your room. "It's a shame really.." You say quietly with tears in your eyes. You pick up the knife and start cutting yourself slowly, feeling the sharpness of the blade. You finally stab yourself in the stomach and let the darkness consume you as you make out a faint sound. "O-Ouma.. forgive me.." Finally the darkness takes over and the room is left with silence.


"Y/N!! Let's hang out!!" Ouma says as he open the door but he stops in his tracks. "Y/N!!" He yells as he races to your body and holds your dead corpse tightly. "I-Im sorry.." He realizes that he shouldn't have left you alone that day.

Happy ending:

"Ouma.. I... like you too.." You mumble out while Ouma hugs you tightly. "Im so sorry Y/N!! I'll never tease you again!" He says. Suddenly you feel a warmth on your lips and you realize he is kissing you. You blush as he deepens the kiss, Your face is as red as a tomato as he pulls away. "Will you be my Girlfriend Y/N?.." He says with a huge blush on his face. "Of course!" You hug him tightly and hope this moment never ends.


You had found the mastermind and everyone had escaped and went back to where they belong. But you went with Ouma, you found out so much about him after the killing game ended. After a couple of months he proposed to you,
"Will you be my wife?~"


Hey guys! Forgive me if it's a really short chapter!! I got caught up reading other fanfics!~ Tell me what you guys think! Also sorry if it's crappy. It was a bit rushed.

Next: Shuchi Saihara X Abused Reader

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