Genre: Harem, comedy, romance, school life, slice of life
Seasons: 2
Episodes: (season 1) 20
(season 2) 12Plot: As a child, Raku Ichijo made a secret promise with his childhood sweetheart, keeping a pendant as a memento while his love took the key. He dreams of one day meeting his past love, but years later, reality smashes his hopes when Chitoge Kirisaki accidentally knees him in the face...
Though Raku's a normal high schooler, his family heads the notorious yakuza gang the Shuei-Gumi faction! And he's dragged into family affairs when he's forced into a relationship with Chitoge, the daughter of a rival gang's boss!
Note: I'm not sure if this anime is considered shoujo but still, I recommend watching it.
❤Shoujo Anime Recommendations❤
RandomLooking for shoujo anime? Want something to watch? Something romantic? Or maybe RomCom? These are just some few of MY recommendations if you're looking for a shoujo anime to watch.