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(Taeyong's pov)
I opened the bedroom's door and found that the lights were opened. Its impossible if Kang Seulgi woke up. Don't tell me she had been kidnapped?!

"Kang Seulgi!" I called for respond. Suddenly the bathroom door wide opened, showing Kang Seulgi brushed her teeth. "You- you- you're awake?!"

"Don't talk to me," she answered quietly. While I can still see her marks after the allergy effect. "Taeyong," she added and washed her mouth before going to the bed again.

"No no listen," I ran to her. "Are you conscious?" I cupped her cheeks.

"What are you doing?!" She shoved my hands off. And rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"No no this can't be," My eyes running around in anxious. "Look at my eyes," I make her face facing me and looked at my eyes.

"Your eyes-,"

"What? What did you see?" I asked in panic.

"I can't see any green in color, anymore," she looked puzzled.

I went to search my phone in my bag. And quickly dialed Joy's number.

"What's up?" She answered the phone called and asked.

"We're in a huge danger," I panting in panic.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"Joy," I gulped before turning around to face Kang Seulgi. "K is not waking up,"

"What do you mean?" Kang Seulgi still can't fit the puzzle of my whole explanation.

"Okay now listen carefully," I took a deep breathe. "I am Taeyong, Lee Taeyong and I own this body myself, while the guy who bought you here, make you stay by his side is K, King,"

"Explain more,"

"Look, K and I are not the same person, we're different in many ways," I explained.

"Are you saying that you have multiple personality disorder?" She tried.

"I'm not going to explain further, now let's stick to our worries, K," I sighed. "This is the first time he didn't woke up on his own,"

"There could be something wrong," she bit her lower lips.

"He usually the one who will dying to wake up in time and never miss the time," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Could he..," she started slowly.

"He?" I asked to keep her continue.

She looked at me in the eyes and said,"K refuse to wake up,"


"That's impossible!" Joy rolled her eyes. "How could you believe her words?!" Her eyes and her mouth reacts. "What? K refuse to wake up? Bullshit!"

"Joy, I'm believing her no matter what," I landed back.

"Then, how will you going to wake him up?" She questioned me. "How will Kang Seulgi wake K up?" She added.

I sighed. "I don't know," I shrugged. "Tomorrow K have clients to handle," I face palm myself.

"What are you going to do?"

"I will just go home," I picked my jacket from the clothes hanger as usual. "See you again Joy,"

"Goodbye," she responded with a smile which made me puzzled.


"Taeyong, is that you?" Kang Seulgi knocked the bathroom's room.

I was speechless, jobless, blank and I can't think of any further. The water rain from the shower kept on washing me.

He jokes. (Seulyong @ Seulgi and Taeyong ff)Where stories live. Discover now