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(Seulgi's pov)
After the dinner, I went straight the bedroom and get a shower. Taeyong, I didn't see him after the dinner.

I went straight to the bathroom in the bedroom to clean myself although it won't clean this mess and the situation I am right now.

I took a glance of myself by the reflection of mirror. "AHHHK!" I screamed. Damn my bangs! I looked at it in hopeless. "It's okay," I sighed. "This looks unique, just a little bit polish," I searched for a scissor but found none. "Maybe at the dressing table?" I scratched my head. I wore the bath robe.

I went out and without even looking further, I go to the dressing table and search for a scissor. "What are you doing?"

I jumped in shook when I heard Taeyong's voice behind me. Laying on the bed while 2 buttons of his shirt was off. Exposing his white skin chest. "Are you searching for something?"

"Ohohohoh," I turned around. "I'm just meh," I avoid his eye contact and stayed there like a mannequin. "Perhaps you know where-,"

"What?" He sat straight.

"Nevermind," I sighed. "I will just continue my shower then,"

He went back laying. Is he tired?

(Taeyong's pov)
I closed my eyes back while my right arms up, bend acting as my pillow. I sighed.

I was treated differently. Father put me in the cage. Mom have been abused by father and it really irritates me that I fight him back so he put me in the cage.

It's been 3 months since I saw mom was abused. Mom, she was in a very cold fever before and her brain couldn't control her. Dad often abused her, yelling at her 'psycho, psycho, psycho'

"You son of a b*tch," a man screamed in front if the cage where I was in.

"Let mom go!" I shouted as he opened the cage's door and pulled me. I was just a normal child.

"Shut up," he slapped me.

"Let mom go," I said.

"I said shut the f*ck up," he punched me and kicked me on the ribs. I fall on the ground lifeless. "Such a waste of time, you," he throw the cigarette on me.

"Some--b-ody he-lp," I coughed. The pain on my ribs, are not as compare as my heart. With my last breathe, I closed my eyes slowly.

Then, I feel as if I was just pulled and pushed. As if I was given another chance. Reborn. Green pupils on my left eyes was too strong that time. I could see everything. It made my head shaking hard and I lost my breathing rhythm. 'You're given another chance to stay, chance to take control, chance to change,' I heard someone talking in my head.

I stood up slowly with my unstable legs. "I will," I exhale and inhale.

Day by day I notice I'm getting different. It was Tuesday in the morning. Father must have gone somewhere so I sneaked to go see mother and brought her some food.

"Why are you here?" She half-whispered.

"Hehe, you haven't eat yet didn't you?" I sat beside her. "I brought you some food, it might not be a nice meal, in the future I will bought you meat," I smiled sheepishly.

"Aigoo, my little boy," She messed my hair before start eating. "Delicious," she smiled. And looked at me in the eyes. My pupils turned green. "Taeyong-ah, what's wrong with your eyes- I mean why is the pupil green?" She sudden concern.

"Something happened," I answered. This is a flattering moment, mom basically won't go mad when she's with me. I made eye contact with her, there I could see, mom went mad and father suddenly stabbed a knife on her. Blood was drowning. From far, there's me. But I was in different way. Both of my pupils were green in color. As she closed her eyes I was as if woke up from a nightmare.

I coughed heavily and excuse myself. Mom was getting worried of me. "Are you okay child?"

"I need to go," I rushed back to the cage. "I could see future of her," I hugged my knee. "Somebody save me," I whispered.

End of flashback

I opened my eyes and Seulgi was there beside me sleeping peacefully. With her funny bangs. I looked at her closed eyes, and stare at her sleeping face. "Who are you Kang Seulgi," I whispered and talked to myself. This is me, I once woke up as crazy Taeyong, and usually after that dream just now, every night I will changed to the actual not mad Taeyong. Yes I actually know and realized how crazy and what crazy thing I have done.

"Her bangs looks so funny," I laughed silently. "Wait a minute," I spoke cutely and went off the bed. Changing onto sweater. And start my night plans.

(Seulgi's pov)
The morning light woke me up. I rubbed my right eyes and stretched my body. Where am I? Why am I- Oh. Thought it was a dream.

Where is Taeyong? I looked beside me and he was gone. I pouted, "That arrogant," I sat straight. "He talked in his sleep last night,"

Last night

"But do your house have any scissors perhaps?-" I looked at the guy sleeping on the bed looking so cute.

"Some--b-ody he-lp," he talked in his sleep. I was worried as he was panting hard.

"Lee Taeyong-sshi are you okay?" I saw him sweating and sweating. He must felt hot. "I am so sorry but as a police officer I must save all citizens," I took a deep breathe and opened few of his buttons. "He still sweats," I ran to the air conditioner and decreased the temperature.

I lay down back beside him. And slowly dozed off. Sleeping next to a guy, a stranger.

Special scene
(Taeyong's pov)
"Where did I put it," I searched inside the cabinet. "Here it is," I held the scissors in achievement face.
She was sleeping like a she won't wake up tomorrow it is easier for me to polish her hair.

"I hope so," I said after finishing everything.

'By the time she open her eyes, he will alive again,'
'And by the time she closed her eyes, I will comeback for you,'
'So I am sorry if I hurt you in the day, and care of you in night time,'
'I'm just a boy with mental problems,'
I cried in my heart.

He jokes. (Seulyong @ Seulgi and Taeyong ff)Where stories live. Discover now