1. In the beginning

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England, early 1400's.

Screams can be heard in the distance as he approaches. The air turns cold and freezes over as the temperature drops. A feeling as if all the warmth is slowly being sucked away as darkness approaches. A shiver runs through the body of everyone present as fear slowly eats away the warmth as their bodies turn cold.

Their protectors doing all they can to stop the inevitable but its not enough. In a matter of minutes, they're all on the ground staring wide-eyed at the invader, the life quickly escaping their bodies, dying with 1000 grievances; but relieved knowing they no longer have to live in fear and can be reunited with their loved ones. Their queen fears for them but is helpless at the genocide slowly unfolding before her eyes. In her head is one thought only...

I need to find my sister before he does. I cannot afford to lose her. Not now; not after everything weve been through. I won't let him take her from me too.

"GAIA!!!!!!", the scream echoes off the walls of the empty palace.

"IRIS!!?", Gaia screams back.



"No no no no no no", is all that's racing through my mind.

I rush inside bypassing the enemy not even sparing them a second glance, not caring for what they think or what numerous possibilities of harm they can inflict on me nor do I care; I just need to find my sister. Before our parents were taken by him, I promised them I'd watch over her, being the only female bloodline of the Flanington family left besides her puts us in grave danger.

I know its a trap Im running headfirst into.

I know taking iris was just to lure me to him.

But the overwhelming fear overtaking my body clouds my better judgment to the point that I can slowly feel myself losing rationality. My head whips to the side when the smell of her blood distracts me. The quick distraction was enough for me to trip on the gown I'm wearing and land face-first into the ballroom.

Fucking stupid dress.

Irritated by the damn thing, I stood up ripping the bottom off and tossing the pieces of cloth that used to be the bottom of my dress aside. Glancing up, I take in my surroundings looking for the location of the blood I smelt, and immediately spot the table in the corner of the room where the edge is smeared with blood. Walking up to inspect, it appears as if someone's head was hit on the corner. Leaning down to take a whiff, I immediately catch my sister's scent. I growled in anger as I start wilding looking around. When I don't see, smell or hear anything I bolt the door and take off again, following my sister's scent. As I push open the balcony doors, I spot him holding her suspended in the air by the neck. When he looks in my direction, he drops her onto the tiled marble floor gasping for air.

"Ah! Gaia, so nice of you to finally grace us with your presence", the bastard sneers.

"Wouldnt miss it for the world", I sarcastically reply.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Now Gaia you know that's no way to talk to your caring beloved. All I'm doing is looking out for our family. If you all had listened to me when I told you to come with me, perhaps your family would still be alive."

My nose flares up in anger as I glare at him furiously. The bastard sure has the guts to say something as shameless as this. Even as angry as I feel, seeing him again after all these centuries still manages to instill the fear in me that I had to convince myself I had forgotten. A whimper from the ground makes me glance over at Iris whos rubbing her sore throat from where he was holding her a few minutes ago.

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