Chapter Three: Creepy Dolls and New Friends

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Aria's blood ran cold as she stared at the diploma in the back of the office. The shaky brunette stuttered a goodbye and ran out of the office, leaving a confused and mildly suspicious Ms. Morrell in her wake. In her panic, she failed to notice Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski staring after her with their suspicions about the new girl growing.

"Now can we ask your dad about her?" Scott practically whined. "Yea, Yea, Let's go," Stiles muttered.
     The two boys hopped into the pale blue jeep and they had hardly buckled in when the spastic boy began bickering with his best friend about whether or not she was supernatural. Stiles and Scott pulled up to the sheriff's office and practically ran into the station. No one really did anything about it as most people who worked at the station were used to the boy's antics.

      When the door slammed open sheriff Stilinski barely even looked up. "What is it Stiles?" his very exhausted voice rang out.

     Stiles rambled on about the suspicious new girl for about a minute before his father interrupted him by asking "Why are you telling me this?"

     "Well... There's this girl-" Scott began before Stiles butted in saying "What do you know about Aria Montgomery."

"Stiles-" John Stilinski began. Noting his stern tone, Stiles stopped rambling.

" This does not concern you. All you need to know is that that girl has already been through enough without you pestering her."  John said with a "That's final" tone of his voice. "Wha-Me? Pester? I-"Stiles began, only to be interrupted as Scott dragged him out of his father's office.


  Across town, Aria was breathing heavily as she ran up her front steps and into her house. She slammed the door behind her and collapsed onto the floor, tears threatening to spill out of her sage green eyes.

   After she took a few more minutes on the floor to collect herself before she stood up. She was grateful that her mother wasn't home because she really didn't have the energy to lie. As she moved around the kitchen, starting to make dinner, she reflected on Ezra Fitz. She had loved him. That much was sure, but there was a lingering bad taste in her mouth as she thought of the relationship. Most of which they had spent cooped up in his apartment. Their relationship had been defined by fear, fear that people would find out she was dating her teacher or fear that "A" would come after him. It was toxic, and she was glad it was over.

  As she struggled to reach the cabinet due to her short stature, her phone rang and a familiar chilling fear came over her. Hands shaking, she reached to answer the phone.

"Hello Aria," a robotic voice cooed. " What do you want?" Aria shakily replied.

  "You know Aria, I never took you for a coward. Did you honestly believe I wouldn't find you?" The voice cackled. " I've left a prize for you in the middle of Beacon Hills Preserve, Find it. Or your new friend Isacc pays." The phone call ended and Aria was left with nothing but the sound of her own breathing and the static buzz of the dead phone line. 

  Aria was spurred into action and ran upstairs. She changed from her school clothes into black jeans and a thermal top. After she pulled on her old hiking boots she tapped out a message to her mom, saying that she was going for a quick run.

  She hated lying to her mother, but it was for her safety. Aria knew she had to face her demons alone.

    She pulled up to Beacon Hills Preserve, not completely sure what she was going to do. She turned off her car and hopped out, shoving her keys into her pocket. As her eyes scanned the treeline she spotted something waving from a tree. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was the newspaper from after the bell tower incident. Panic coursing through her veins she ripped it off the branch and shoved it into her bag. As she waved her flashlight further into the woods she spotted another article about 50 feet away. She followed the trail of newspaper articles for about 20 minutes. As she tried to reach an article higher branch she dropped her flashlight, causing her to mentally curse her hight.

   After she hopped down of the branch, she froze in fear. " You can't escape me. " A small tinny voice called out.

  She spun around, looking for the source of the noise. She looked down and almost screamed at what she saw. Below her, was a doll that was almost identical to her. Except, that it was covered in bite marks.

    With a  small whimper of fear, she  shoved it in her bag and ran as fast as she could in the general direction of her car. She hadn't made it far before she smacked into someone. Aria released a groan and held her hand to her head before attempting to get up. She looked down and realized that she had smacked into the girl who had been reported missing on the news, Lydia Martin. Aria shrugged off her coat and handed it to the girl, who was completely naked.

   "Are you ok?"  Aria softly asked, not wanting to scare the girl. Lydia looked up and silently nodded, looking rather dazed. Aria knew that the police attention she would get from finding the girl would not be a good thing, but she had to help her.

    Aria slowly helped the girl up, but spun around as she saw lights flashing in the corner of her eye. "Thank god." She muttered, and the two girls limped towards the lights.

Scott McCall was out of the car before it had even started moving. Lydia was lost, and they had to find her before the Argents did. He approached the flashing lights of the crime scene, where they Lydia's scent led to.  Scott's jaw almost hit the ground as he recognized the figure helping Lydia out of the woods.

   "Is that Aria?" Scott said as he leaned over to his best friend.

Scott tilted his head in confusion and suspicion as he watched the two females approach the crowd of policemen and medics. Aria was dressed all in black, and her eyes were puffy as if she  had been crying. Scott tilted his head to listen as Aria explained herself to Sheriff Stilinski.

   "What were you doing out in the woods at this time of night?" The sheriff asked with a worried tone of voice. "Umm. I-I was going for a run." Aria stuttered out. Sheriff Stilinski didn't believe her, but he knew that the girl wasn't going offer much else explanation. "Could I ride with her back to the hospital?" Aria asked. "I just want to make sure she's ok."

  " Scott! Stiles!" John Stilinski called out, motioning for Scott and Stiles to come over  "This is Aria. Since I'm fairly sure you two were going to the hospital anyway, would you mind giving her a ride?"

After Stiles agreed, the four teens walked over to the jeep. "Wait." Aria's voice came from behind them, causing both Scott and Stiles to turn around. "You almost hit me with your car." She said accusingly. "And you cussed me out in the middle of the parking lot. So, I think we're even." Stiles said with  a sarcastic eye roll." Aria scoffed in return, hiding a smile before slamming the door to the jeep.

Stiles scowled at the mistreatment of his jeep, and Scott tried not to notice how cute Aria was when she was angry.  Stiles and Aria bickered all the way to the hospital, and Scott smiled at the similarities between his best friend and the mysterious brunette.

  Stiles and Aria bickered all the way to the hospital, and Scott smiled at the similarities between his best friend and the mysterious brunette

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