Chapter Seven: The Scream

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" Making friends Aria? You can't say I never gave you anything. Your new friends in the gym defying her fears. Can we say suicide runs?"

- A


Aria sucked in a panicked breath as she read the text. The brunette disregarded her open locker and ran from the locker rooms and into the gym.

When Aria burst into the gym Erica was on the rock wall without a harness.

" Erica, You have to get down, you're going to fall!" Aria yelled.

Aria could see Erica was panicking and she did the only thing she could think of, she climbed on to help her.

Aria ignored the pit of fear in her stomach as she climbed up to where Erica was.

"Please Erica, let's get down," Aria said in a calm voice as she reached out to Erica.

All of a sudden Erica began to shake and lost grip on the wall. Aria tried to keep her up but in the process, she too fell off the wall.

Aria closed her eyes as she fell through the air, expecting the hard gym floor to greet her.

Right before she hit the ground a strong pair of arms wrapped around her torso. She opened one eye and saw a very worried looking Scott McCall holding her. Aria began to blush furiously as Scott helped her to her feet.

She was relieved as she looked across the gym and saw Allison turning Erica on her side and calling for help.

"What were you doing up there?" Scott asked in a nervous tone, holding her as if she was made of glass.

Aria blushed again before reluctantly pulling out of Scott's grasp.

"I was trying to help her, I saw her go in here and I followed her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid." Aria stuttered out.

Scott heard her heart jump, which indicated a lie, and furrowed his eyebrows. But, he let it go and the two went over to help Erica.


Erica Reyes looked at the man in front of her and considered his offer. He was offering her the one thing she'd always wanted, to be rid of her illness.

Yes, there was a price to being a werewolf, but she was willing to pay it.

She turned to the man and gave him a small nod.

Before she knew it his eyes had turned red and his teeth were around her neck.


Aria hummed with happiness as she plopped down at her lunch table and whipped out her cell phone. She normally sat alone so she was happily surprised when Scott, Stiles, and Allison sat next to her.

" Hey, guys!" Aria chirped.

Stiles raised an eyebrow at her peppy mood.
Aria only shrugged in response, she opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the wave of silence that fell over the cafeteria when Erica Reyes 2.0 entered.

Erica, looking vastly different strutted in and took a bite of some poor boys apple before sauntering off as quickly as she had come.

Scott and Stiles exchanged panicked looks before scrambling after her, Aria tailing behind them.

The trio exited the school only to see Erica getting in Derek's Camaro with a smirk painted on her lips.


The next day at school Aria and Scott were sitting at their lunch table discussing what to do about Derek turning Erica when Stiles slammed down at their table waving a set of keys triumphantly in the air.

"I got'em" He declared triumphantly dangling the keys in Scott's face.

"What are those for?" Aria asked.

"WE. Are going ice skating with Lydia." Stiles said looking at Aria and Scott pointedly.

His tone assured Scott and Aria that they had no room to argue.


The four teens walked into the ice skating rink and flicked on the lights. Aria pulled on her skates and turned to see Scott struggling with his. With a small laugh, she went over to him and swiftly tied up his laces for him.

Scott looked sheepish as she pulled him onto the ice.

Within moments, he was on the floor and Aria was trying not to laugh as she helped him up.

After thirty minutes of this, Scott decided to sit down for a minute.

Aria looked across the rink and smiled when she saw Lydia gracefully skating and Stiles flailing behind her.

Aria skated over to Lydia and the two began to skate together. Aria grabbed Lydia's hand and the two began to go faster until Lydia came to an abrupt halt, which made Aria fall flat on her face.

"What the hell Lydia?" Aria groaned as Scott stumbled across the rink to help her.

Lydia didn't answer, she only looked into the ice with a terrified expression.

And then, she screamed.

A/NHey guys! Happy new year! I haven't updated in a while bc school just started back and it's already killing me

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Hey guys!
Happy new year! I haven't updated in a while bc school just started back and it's already killing me. I have Jan term and am writing this from a motel room in Helen, GA. This town is like a rip-off of a stereotypical German village?
Send help, vote and comment!
- bean

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