"I need more memes in my life!"

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Marvelous Girl: idk about you but I love memes

I live for memes!

Mint Ice: whoa not even a hello how are you?

Marvelous Girl: oh sorry

Hello how are you?

Mint Ice: I am as good as I can be!

Thank you very much!

Marvelous Girl: I think my screen cracked by the amount of sarcasm!

Anyways I need more memes!!!!


Mint Ice: uhm what has gotten you possesed?

Marvelous Girl: nothing just that

I need more memes in my life!

Mint Ice: you are weird!

Marvelous Girl: tbvfh who isn't?

Mint Ice: uhm okay?

Marvelous Girl: I can show you all the memes I have got!

Ok maybe not all but those I can find right off the bat!

Mint Ice: I don't want to!

Marvelous Girl: too late!

Marvelous Girl: too late!

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