"Sometimes I wonder why I really put up with you!"

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Marvelous Girl: I wonder

Should I still call you YG or nah?

Mint Ice: I wonder why you said JY not YJ?

Marvelous Girl: hehe funny story

Ok actually not, but someone wanted to make the JYP and YG joke and it wasn't me

Mint Ice: well that's stupid

I now see the family resemblance between you and Seokjin

Marvelous Girl: I don't look like him, like at all

And he is a sock!

Mint Ice: omg you call him a sock?!

Marvelous Girl: meh I tell him that sometimes just so I can irk him

It's fun to annoy him 😋

Mint Ice: no emojis please

Marvelous Girl: ok then take these


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(~˘▾˘)~  ~(˘▾˘~)

Mint Ice: stop it please!

Sometimes I wonder why I really put up with you!

Marvelous Girl: there are only two logical explanations

1. You have enough patience

2. You love me (not love love but brotherly love or friendly maybe, I know you will get upset so that's why I explain this now!)

Mint Ice: neither of those two

So there is no logical explanation

Marvelous Girl: then there's the door you can always leave but don't forget to close the god damn door after you!

Mint Ice: nah, I told you I am here for when you need to rant and such so I am not leaving

And please was that a Panic! At The Disco reference?

Marvelous Girl: didn't have everyone that phase where they listened to P!ATD and FOB?

well guess who's still stuck in that?

Not me but uhm someone else...

Mint Ice: ha good joke

Anyways wanna watch a movie?

We have free time and the others are all out somewhere and I decided to stay here

Now I am bored and lonely

Marvelous Girl: not sure do I get to choose the movie or nah?

Mint Ice: I guess I have no choice do I?

Marvelous Girl: if you want company then no you don't have a choice

If you don't want company then yes you do have a choice

Mint Ice: ok then I am coming over

But tell me it's not some stupid romcom

Marvelous Girl: isn't our story a romcom already?

Uhm it will be Ant-Man so no worries about that ok?

No romcom but expect to see a crying mess because of one particular thing!

Just expect it!

Mint Ice: ugh fine!

I am also gonna ignore that first message!

Marvelous Girl: YAY!



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 Because honeyJoonie pictures are life ^

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Because honeyJoonie pictures are life ^

I basically watched Ant-Man yesterday and well guess who was a crying mess because of one particular scene...

Yup anyways I will resume my marvel Marathon (after I explained yesterday to someone how to watch the marvel movies the chronological order and the end credit scenes it was such an intellectual convo!)

Also explaining that marvel and DC are not the same universes and that the x-men, Deadpool and fantastic four are marvel but the movie rights belong to 20th century fox

Ha great times anyways until the next update

P.s. I am the one still stuck with P!ATD and FOB XD

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