Chapter 2

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"You wouldn't happen to be from Ohio, would you?" I walked just a little behind him as he showed me to the apartment. "I am, actually. Well, I grew up there. I used to live in Cincinnati. Why?"

"I'm from there too," I told him, "I don't think I ever gave you my name. I'm Vivian Forrester." A smile played at his lips as he stopped at the door. "Your parents wouldn't happen to be Joni and Troy Forrester, would they?" Mark asked. "Ye-No. They got divorced but my mom remarried. To a guy named Jacob Rhys. Sounds like rice." I laughed softly at my last remark. "Huh. I'm sorry to hear that. Your parents and my parents were very good friends, a long time ago though," He said. "I remember having this family of four over for dinner every other week. They had the sweetest kids; Tom and..Mark." I looked at him and immediately put my arms around him in a tight hug, my eyes starting to water. "What?" He laughed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just..really happy." I suddenly stand on my tiptoes and plant a kiss on his cheek. "I still remember how you'd always do that when you got really happy or excited. And I loved it." His smile warmed my heart every time.

After about two hours, we were just standing in my new kitchen, eating delivery pizza. "I think you're gonna like it here. I do. And I can show you around a little."

"I appreciate it, Mark. Hey, uh..Do you mind spending the night over here with me? It's a new place and all."

"O-Of course." Mark's voice was kind of..shaky. "You're my best friend and I'd do anything for you."

"I only have a mattress set up and it's kind of small." I rubbed the back of my neck as my cheeks turned red. "That's okay. It's better to sleep with someone else than to not. In my opinion."

"That's true. I'm gonna go put on some pajamas." I walked into my room and went through all my boxes until I found the one with my clothes in it. I chose something comfortable which was just a cut-off top and pajama shorts. I quickly put my hair into a ponytail as I stared at myself in the mirror. Then the door opened and Mark was standing there, "Can I look?"

"Yeah. I'm dressed." I replied. His eyes opened and another smile spread across his face, "You can pull off anything."

"Oh really?" I asked with a grin. I went over to him and locked our fingers together. "Yes, really. If Wade can work a wig, then you can pull anything-- and I mean anything-- off," Mark laughed. "Wade?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Oh! I forgot to tell you. Wade is one of my friends."

"I might just have to meet him sometime." I yawned and put my head against his chest. "I'm tired. Could you lock the door for me?" I asked sleepily. Mark's hands left mine and then I heard a lock and footsteps. "Done."

"Thanks." I laid on the mattress and then patted my side, signaling for him to lay next to me. He did so and put his back to mine, our bodies close. "Night...Viv." His voice faded out then I felt his hand lock with mine again.

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