Boot Camp

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Hey HEY!! Catherine here! Just to say sorry for the late update.. I tried to make this as long as possible. The song in This Is The Life by Amy MacDonald. Because, it's one of my PERSONAL all time favourite songs, and Its fitting for Chelsea and Alexis in this chapter...  Its unedited! And a few word I just didn't know how to spell... so they're spelt wrong... Obviously :)  But anyways sorry for the late update :)   On the plus side... I THINK its a bit longer than normal.. This chapter I wrote it and I found my self putting smiles in EVERYWHERE!!!     sentence about hot guy :) sentence about  a song :)  about lunch :)  EVERYWHERE!! but then I deleted them....  and used normal grammar. So yeah...  ENJOY!

Chapter 4 – Boot camp.

After I auditioned, I was led into a bright white room. I had to sign some confidentiality papers. And get my info for boot camp!! They gave me the information and I headed home. But not before me and Alex did a happy dance.  And got some strange looks from a few people in Belfast.

I called my mum to ask her to pick us up. And now I have to figure out exactly how to tell her I had auditioned for the X-Factor. And got to boot camp.

After a tedious bus trip and an awkward car journey to leave Alexis home. I turned to my mum after we had parked up and we going into the house.

“Mum, I need to tell you something,” I began, “I didn’t go to Belfast today to shop. I went to audition for the X-Factor.” Her expression worried me. I mean, she was so unemotional and totally calm. “And mum, I got through! I know I didn’t expect it to happen either!”

My mum was still silent. She had said nothing done nothing. No emotion was shown. And I was truly upset over it. “Mum, did you not hear me? I got through, I’m going to boot camp.” Still nothing as she led me into our kitchen.

“Turn the lights on sweetie”  She called over her shoulders,  confirming my thoughts, she just didn’t car if I was going to be a singer in the X-Factor.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” My family and close friends yelled. I nearly had a heart attack. No joke. I thought that my heart was going o burst through my chest and kill me.

“Oh my God! Guys! What are you trying to do?! Kill me?” I laughed, clutching my chest so I could breath properly. “Thank you! How’d you all know? Oh wait let me guess. Someone who I count as one of my closest friends told you all? Is that person the same person as the one walking through the front door.” I said seeing Alexis walk through the doors.

“Yeah I told them, I mean how could I not? We have a double celebration!” She hugged me and our friends Melody and Kate. “I got through too!”

“You auditioned?” I squealed happy to know at least one person won’t hate me at boot camp.

“Well, what else was I going to do when you were gone? I auditioned! AND I GOT THROUGH!!!!” She jumped up and down. Hyper beyond belief. No more fizzy drinks for her then. That’s for sure.

Someone called a toast. And distracted me from our conversation. Somebody else handed my a champagne flute filled with diet coke. A round of applause went up through the group of people assembled in my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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