god save the prom queen

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prom kings/queens aren't a universal thing in england (at least not where i live) and i've never been to a prom but for the sake of the story - everything goes down the way i say it does XD

also, there's a homophobic slur that i don't like or condone but it made sense for it to be in the story.


fifteen years down the road;
he could be everything you won't;
but right now you're breaking him down;

are you happy now?

'are you happy now?' - meg and liz


"ugh mike, hurry up! we've only got six hours to get ready and that is hardly enough time!" carmen bellowed. ryan just shook his head and smirked.

yes, it was that time of year again: prom. where teenagers would spent countless amounts of money on random crap that they'd only use once.

ryan was very opinionated about the matter.

sure, it's the one time of year where you and your schoolmates all have a fun night together but are the glittery banners really necessary? he didn't think so.

he subtlety laughed behind his magazine as carmen scampered around the house, practically dragging tee behind her.

it's only two o clock, she really needs to chill out.

prom started at eight pm so he didn't see why she was stressing but he wasn't a girl. maybe they just overreact to these things? although, he looked over at kaz and saw she was doing the same as him.

i'll never understand them, he mused.

bailey strolled through the lounge door with a freshly walked mischief when carmen barged past him, tee apologising profusely as she chased her friend. the boy caught sight of ryan and looked over in shock.

"prom's tonight," he told him.

bailey had a look of realisation on his face and sat down next to ryan,

"that's tonight?" he questioned. ryan nodded slightly and bailey shrugged, stretching out next to the skinny boy.

"oi, watch it," ryan mumbled. bailey had hit his hand and he let go of the pages he was holding.

bailey just rolled his eyes and turned the volume up on the television, hoping to drown out carmen's voice.

"seriously mike! we need to go now or else tee and i are gonna miss our spa appointments and we'll have to buy some face masks which'll take longer!"

clearly it didn't work.

"make it stop," the football loving boy whispered, jokingly covering his ears like he was in pain. ryan looked over and laughed,

"if the tele on almost full volume didn't work then neither will your hands mate," still, he tried anyway and was proven correct. he was practically radiating victory.

"not only that, i won't be able to give jody a makeover!" as carmen said that jody passed by her but stopped short.

"wait what?" she exclaimed. nice one carmen.

mike put his head in his hands and sighed to himself, after a few seconds he looked up,

"i'll take you and tee now alright? just stop shouting," he said exasperated. carmen instantly quietened, pleased with the outcome.

god save the prom queenWhere stories live. Discover now