Well Damn

1.3K 11 1

I charged my iPad for the first time in, well, quite some time and let me tell you, I was not expecting to log into this old account of mine and find 9k on this mess. This is literally from my freshman year of high school and let me tell you, I was a shit writer. I'd like to think my writing has quite improved since then, so if you're interested in my other account, my user is @newsgirl-mack. I just finished reading Michael's memoir, Lucky Man, for my AP English project and really did rediscover my love for this guy and all of his work. I'd like to continue this mess if that's alright with all of you folks, so I'm going to set some ground rules.

1) I will not be rewriting my earlier posts on this book. I want to come back the next time I forget about charging my iPad for an absurd amount of time and be able to see how my writing has evolved.
2) I took a gander at some comments you have left since I've gone MIA, and a lot of those requests sound really good. As for new characters, I will be opting out of writing for Milo. I will now be writing for Marty, Alex, Michael himself, and if you guys really want it I'll write for Scott from Teen Wolf. I have also recently watched The American President for the first time in my AP Gov class, and if any of you have interest in preferences for Michael's character Lewis, I would consider that.
3) Requests will be CLOSED AF until I state otherwise. Preferences are pretty easy though. I should be able to blow through the list in a matter of a handful of hours if I'm lucky.
4) I may write smut. I'm unsure. I don't know if I'm comfortable with that just yet, but I can be a little bit filthy. Also, please don't go begging me for smut in strange and absurd ways in the comments. I've caught one of you specifically doing that and I don't plan on reporting you unless you start firing up again once I start writing again.

I look forward to writing for you all again! Much love to the lot of you!

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