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Blake Mercy woke up to deranged screaming.
He quickly stood up slipping on his clothes quickly before running out.
"Father!" Niklaus's deranged screams startled him. He ran to the noise only to see all the Mikaelson's in tears.
Blake carefully approached Niklaus.
"Nik, look at me okay," Niklaus shakily looked up at the boy.
"I want you to breathe okay, Henrik is okay-"
"He's bloody dead!"
"But he's okay now, he isn't hurting, and he most certainly does not blame you." Blake wasn't shocked as the four Mikaelson siblings he had bonded with ceased the crying.

"Esther." Blake said walking into the witches study.
"Blake! You must leave at once!" She shouted.
"Enough." He said lazily walking to the center of the room.
He quietly mumbled as the candles around him lit.
Suddenly he took a bowl from the shelf and slit his wrist filling it to a brim.
"Listen carefully. A woman named Tatia lives at the house on the edge. Kill her and mix her blood with this. Say this spell," Blake set the bowl down and grabbed her memoir flipping to a page.
"Put it in the wine, tell your family you're having a feast in honor of Henrik. After that find two disposable people and bring them here. I'll take care of the rest."
And with the Blake walked back to the house he resided in not caring to see if Esther had protest.

He sat in the large library with the Mikaelson's he had befriended.
"Let's play a game," Blake smirked standing in the center of all four Mikaelson's who looked at each other intrigued.
"What kind of game?" Elijah spoke up smiling.
"I'm obviously charmed with you all, and this is not a one way street." Blake smirked seeing how all the Mikaelson's shifted under his gaze.
"So here are the rules." Blake smirked walking in a circle and getting a good look at all of the siblings.
"First to fall in love, loses. Last to fall in Love ultimately wins." Blake smirked seeing all the Mikaelson's do the same.
"Or we could all lose overall, but what are the odds?" Blake smirked.
"Deal." Kol smirked standing up and walking beside Blake.
"Let's do it." Nik smirked following his brother.
"I'm in." Bekah smirked.
The four turned to Elijah.
"I've always loved a good game." He smirked.
The five players stood in the middle of the library.
"Always And forever?" Blake smirked taking Elijah's hand.
Elijah smirked arrogantly linking hands with his sister.
"Always And forever." The Mikaelson siblings repeated one by one.
Blake's low smirk shadowed as he realized just how long forever would be.

"I have a toast." Blake smirked holding up his wine glass as the Mikaelson's did the same.
"To all of you for housing me and letting me have the honor of staying in your home." Blake smiled.
Each of them cheered slightly taking a sip of their wine.
Finn scrunched his nose making Blake smirked.
It had been done.
The meal went by with Esther and Mikael glancing at the young boy and him avoiding their stares by messing around with Kol and Nik.

Late when everyone was asleep Blake walked into Esther and Mikael's room.
"It is time. Mikael, grab your sword, act as if I had no part in this." Blake said walking to the library.
He stood in front of Mikael telling the man to put the sword to his neck and Esther to cast a spell on the door once all the siblings were inside.
"Niklaus! Kol! Elijah! Rebekah! Finn!" Blake screamed murderously shocking the husband and wife who didn't know he could be so realistic.
The siblings bounded in one by one.
"Father leave him be!" Klaus yelled.
"Father no!" Rebekah cried.
"Father." Elijah said solemnly while Kol and Finn just stared.
On cue Mikael drove a sword through Blake and the siblings saw blood pouring out of his mouth.
"No!" Kol shouted along with his other siblings, even Finn.
Blake dropped to the floor.

Waking up with the others waiting was reassuring.
"Bring me that girl." Mikael tossed the unconscious women to the young boy.
He bit harshly into her wrist making Rebekah gasp at the sight.
As soon as blood touched Blake's tongue he felt immense pain in his mouth and under his eyes.
He screamed out making the Mikaelson family wince at the pain.
One by one the family turned.
Turned into vampires.
Destined to be playing a wicked game forever more.

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