Our reality

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•~ (Y/N) POV ~•

"Come on (Y/N)," Monika laughed at me as I tried to catch up with her "we're gonna be late!" She continued to run ahead of me. I did my best to catch up with her but failed. "H-How do you run so... fast?" I asked out of breathe when we finally got to the school.  "Uh..." she jumped up a bit "The code!" She reminded me. "Then why can't you edit my file?!" I asked.

"Well, you don't have one! Plus even if I could, your cute when your tired!" She giggled. I have to admit... her giggle is aborable... even if she is kind of a insane girl... "ugh... let's just get to class." I looked at my watch "We have.... 2 MINUTES TO GET TO THE THIRD FLOOR AND TO CLASS!!!!!!!!"

We started running to class as fast as both of us could. Monika being ahead of me got to class about 15 seconds before I did but we both got there on time.

Everyone looked at us, some laughed and some looked kind of angry that we had both just burst in. "S-Sorry ever-yone!" Monika studdered. "It's alright Monika and (Y/N). Just sit down," the teacher said. We both sat in our seats, next to eachother.

•~ Monika POV ~•

"Ok class." The teacher started talking about some random shit I didn't care about. I just started at (Y/N) the entire time. When class ended (Y/N) got up and grabbed her bag. I got up and as well and walked over to her. "You wanna just skip school? It's not real so what does it matter?" I asked.

"...Monika... that's... it's still school!" She said. "SO?!" I yelled "I WANT TO GO!!" She flinched and shakley said "O-Ok..." "Yay!" I said. I grabbed her arm and started running outside. When we got outside, I made a code box appear in front of me and coded it to teleport us to my house.

"You know, if you keep teleporting us... you might mess up the game..." (Y/N) said. "I got this! I learned how to fix the files, don't worry!" I reasurred her. She noddes hesitently.

We walk into my house. "Sit down," I pointed at the couch "i'll make some tea!" "But isn't that Yuri's thing?" She asked as she sat down on the couch. "She tought me!" I said before I walked into the kitchen.

I started making some tea. We didn't have to worry about parents since I wasn't programmed to have any and (Y/N)'s are in her real world... when the tea finished, I took the cup and walked back to (Y/N). "Here you go!" I smiled and handed her the small tea cup.

"Thanks Monika..." She said as she drink some of the tea. I sat on the couch next to her. "Do you like it?" I asked sweetly. "Yeah!" She said as she put her tea cup on the table in front of her.

"Thanks." I smiled. I layed my head on her shoulder and fell asleep.


•~ (Y/N) POV ~•

Me and Monika had fallen asleep on the couch. When I woke up I looked at my phone and relized we were late for the literture club. "MON!! WAKE UP!!" I yelled as I shook
Monika. She sat up like she was half asle. "W-What is it?" She asked.

"We're late for the club!!" I yelled. "Who cares?" She said as she layed back down. I shook her again. "Monika! Your the president of the club!" I yelled. "Ughh," she sat up and fixed her long brown hair "fine!" She stood up and a code box appeared in front of her. She started coding it to teleport us but I stopped her before she could press enter.

"Let's walk." I said. She sighed and put her hand down, the code box disappeared. We walked there like I suggested. Yuri, Natsuki, and Sayori were already at the club and doing their own thing.

Yuri was reading her favorite book and Natsuki was throwing manga books at Sayori for some reason. See? Completley normal.

Monika ran over to Sayori and Natsuki and almost fell over in a desperate attement to get the manga. "UGHH!! GIVE ME THAT DAMN BOOK!!" Monika yelled. I looked over at Yuri who seemed comepletley oblivious to the choas around her.

"STOP YOUR HURTING ME!" Sayori yelled as Natsuki threw another book at her. I just stood there trying not to get hit.

"YOU INSULT MY MANGA, YOU GET BEAT WITH MY MANGA!!" Natsuki yelled at Sayori. "Guys stop!" Monika yelled. Monika tried to take the book from Natsuki, but she didn't see her and she threw the book at her.

"Owww!" Monika cried. Natsuki ignored Monika and continued to throw books at Sayori. Monika walked over to me and clung on to me. "I just wanted them to stop fighting..." She said, I could hear it in her voice that she was on the verge of tears. 

I felt angry, Natsuki didn't even care! She's hurting 2 people for stupid reasons! Monika sat next to Yuri and started talking to her.

I walked over to Natsuki and pushed her over, taking the books. "Apoligise to Sayori and Monika!" I yelled. Natsuki got up and pushed pass me, walked past Monika and Yuri. "Ugh..." I turned to Sayori "Are you ok Sayori?" I asked.

"Yeah... she just screwed my arms and legs up a bit..." Sayori said. Her arms and legs were covered in brusies and scratches. If you weren't there to see what happened, you'd think she was abused at home.

"Uhh... you don't looked ok..." I said. "I'm fine." She said. "Ok..." I started walking over to Monika and Yuri. Yuri had put down her book to help Monika make an ice pack that she was holding to her head.

"What happened?" Yuri asked me "Monika can't talk, her head hurts to much." I sighed "Natsuki and Sayori got in a fight, and in the end Monika got hit in the head with a manga..."

"Oh," Yuri said in suprise "well that's Natsuki for you..."

•~ Monika POV ~•

Ughh... I could delete that girl if I didn't make that promise to (Y/N)!!! But... maybe just this once... I could break thay promise...

Time taken: from 4:30 to now
Words written: 1069

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