After a day of being their Spyro and Cynder got the biggest and the best room with 2 beds a balcony and lots more but that morning when it was breakfast they both went down and soon as they got their only a few dragons were in the dinning room they sat down and they were served pancakes then Cynder looked around for Ember she didn't see her. After a minute or two Ember came into the room and sat right next to Spyro, Cynder was mad that she had to come and sit by them Ember said "why do you hang out with her she tried to kill you before", Spyro said "she only tried to kill me because she was possessed by the dark one and didn't have controll over her self" he said with an angered voice. Than Ember said "well that was her fault for trusting him and living with him" Cynder said "I didn't get a choice I was abducted and was a slave for my hole life", Ember said "well at least I'm not trying to steal other dragons boyfriends like you" Cynder said "I wasn't taking any boyfriends from anyone" Ember said " well you are trying to take Spyro from me and he's my boyfriend". Spyro decided to leave and go to training Cynder was going to follow him but she was stoped by a elder dragon and said "give him some time to himself" so she decided to finish her breakfast. Soon as she finished she started to look around for Spyro than Ember ran by and said "see you later loser" Cynder got mad at her so she ran after her but when she was chasing Ember she saw Spyro training so she stoped and went in the training arena soon as she entered Spyro noticed her so he went over by her and said "what's up" she said "nothing much just trying to find my way around this place". Spyro said "that he could give her a tour of the temple" she said "yeah that would be great". So Spyro started to show her around the temple he almost finished the tour but then they ran into Ember she said "your giving her a tour all dragons know their way around the temple", Cynder said "it's hard to now your way around a place that you've never been to". Ember said "sure and I've been her for 2 seconds and I never been here". Cynder got mad but Spyro said "we need to get going" and they walked away and went outside. Soon as they got out side Cynder was trying to calm down then Spyro put his hand on her shoulder and said "it will be okay Ember is not around its just you and nobody else", Cynder said "what is her problem I'm trying to get use to this and she makes it impossible". A tear ran down her face Spyro wiped it off and said "I will take care of her don't worry", then Cynder hugged him and said "thank you are all I have these days".
Spyro and Cynder a new home
Roman d'amourAfter defeating malfore Cynder and Spyro went back to the temple and tried to get use to the new life and Ember And please leave a comment I will try to read them all and I would appreciate some pointers if I messed up