Tayley- Part 5

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So to redeem myself for the shocking wait for this part and the kinda screwed up storyline about Josh, this part's kinda longer :D and just to clarify, I don't actually condone Tayley in real life, I just thought it would make a cute fanfic :P and the plot is going to begin to straighten out a bit. Bon appetit, hope this part's tasty!

Hayley’s P.O.V.

What on Earth was Zac doing here?! According to Josh, he was happily touring and making music with the band that they were both part of. It couldn’t be just coincidence that both brothers just happened to turn up at the hotel on the very same day. Something was up.

“Benji, bro, I missed you like crazy!” Zac finally released Taylor, grinning like an absolute maniac. In the while that we hadn’t seen him, he’d matured into a tall, built and fairly handsome young man like his brother. He might know exactly why Josh had come to us and whether he was lying or not. Taylor and Jeremy were still stood, tongue-tied just like I was.

“S’up with you guys, eh?” Zac asked us, puzzled. “And where’s Josh?”

“He’s in our hotel room.” Jeremy gushed. “He came last night telling us he was on the streets and you were on tour and he looked awful!”

Zac stared at us, open-mouthed.

“We were out for a few drinks last Wednesday, celebrating, and he’d had way too much, so he stormed out shouting something about you, Hayley.” Zac told us, less elated now, more worried. “Don’t tell me he’s been out on the streets since then?”

“He lied to us!” I suddenly shouted, causing Taylor, Zac and Jeremy to jump. “You were right, Tay. He’s trying to worm his little pathetic way back in! Well my foot’s going to worm its way into his sorry ass!”

Before anyone could stop me, before I could stop myself, I was running full-pelt towards the hotel and crashing through the front doors, blinded with rage but my feet carried me well.

“HAYLEY! DON’T!” Zac’s frantic cry right behind me didn’t slow me down at all. If anything, it urged me on as he’d caught up with me damn fast. I raced up the stairs, flying up three at a time, my hair almost obscuring my vision and a stitch searing at my side. Zac was falling behind now, and I could hear Taylor and Jeremy’s footfalls a little further behind. Josh wasn’t about to get off lightly. He wasn’t about to do what Taylor had predicted.

I finished ascending the flight of stairs and pelted down the corridor. There wasn’t much need to run now, as the boys weren’t anywhere near me, but the anger dashed with adrenaline that surged through me made it impossible for my limbs to move at a slower rate.

“Josh?” I stopped dead at the door to our room and knocked on, forcing a falsely sweet, sugary tone into the word that I had to stop myself from practically spitting out.

“Why’re you knocking?” I heard a casual yawn from behind the door and it swung open to reveal the tousle-haired and more well-rested Josh. Like a cat, I surged forward, nails outstretched like claws and barrelled him backwards. He landed with a thud on his rear and looked up at me with terrified, confused eyes. What a sight I must have been-my hair was dishevelled and everywhere, I was breathing heavily and I could feel the snarl etched into my face.

“You’re a scumbag. You lied to us! Your life’s been damn great, on tour with your little band I hear? Well your little brother’s just arrived and told us everything.” the words gushed out as I bore down on Josh menacingly.

“Hayley! Wait!” Taylor’s calming tones were behind me now, among a torrent of panting from Zac and Jeremy.

“He needs to apologise and get the hell out!” I whipped around and shouted exasperatedly. Taylor put his hands on my shoulders and our eyes met. A little scuffling noise behind me told me that Josh had scrambled to his feet, something he didn’t dare do while I was in such a murderous state.

“Okay, I lied! Can you blame me? Just look what it was like during Riot! We were amazing.. we were a team! Of course I haven’t moved on from those times! But I’m not begging for redemption. I just wanted to make music with you guys again.” Josh burst out, and we all turned to him, eyes wide. “I wanted to be Paramore again.”

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