Chapter 10: Viking Demon

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I heard the door to my room open and looked at the clock. 4:30am. I looked at the door and there stood Ivan with blood all over. He looked like one of the guys from COD4 last night. His eyes were glowing and he was sniffing the air.

                "No one has been here. Stop sniffing, take a shower, and crawl in. There is room for both of us and we both know you sleep naked." I was too tired to care that he was in my room and knew he would put up a fight if I told him to leave. I could deal with cuddles as long as he was silent and let me sleep. 

                A few minutes later, I feel him crawl under the sheets and spoon me. He sniffed a few times while I huffed in aggravation. He started to lick my neck and dry hump me again. Why couldn't he just be quiet and let me sleep? If he was going to keep me awake, the least he could do is let me turn around so I could get off too. No such luck. I fell back asleep to the gentle rocking of his pelvis on my rear.

                "We mate soon." I heard as a whisper early the next morning. I started to roll as his hand cupped my breast. I had a sharp intake of air and pushed my rear toward him.

                "You awake?" He asked gently.                                                                   

                "Yes." I replied quietly.

                "Good. Stop push or I mate you." I was a little worried that he might actually mean that. I stopped pushing my rear into him and in turn he let go of my breast. He let me turn around in his arms so I could see him. He was a Viking demon.

                "How about we find a girl for you today? Just a girl to relieve your stress, don't get worried. You seem to be getting worse." That was my loving way of saying he was getting more touchy and possessive. Both, I was pretty sure, my brother would not approve of especially if he heard what Ivan whispered earlier. I also wanted sleep and his rocking pelvis wasn't helping.

                "No other girl. You mine." Great, we were back to that. He didn't look happy and started to move his hand lower on my waist. He would try to hide his sniffing, but it was very obvious.

                "Okay. Tell me about your birth pack. Why are you here and how are you running my parents company while barely speaking English?" I had to get his mind off of mating and I really wanted answers.

                "Birth pack very mean. Dad Alpha. Alpha kill many. Birth pack biggest pack. Have translator." Well the last part threw me off a bit.

                "Wait, you have a translator and you don't use it with me? Why?" My face must have given away how frustrated I was.

                "Calm. Work translator. Human translator." Okay, well that's not helpful. "Don't be sad. I here. I mate you soon. Daemon agree."

                "What do you mean by that?" I was officially scared. Daemon said he wouldn't let Ivan mate me and that I would just have to fake this marriage stuff. I was sure I had at least two years to figure out how to get away from these people and not have to make Alpha babies. How valuable are my hands and feet anyway?

                "You smell scared. No scared. You mine. I protect you. I Alpha." Aww that's cute. His face is adorable when he is not scowling or grimacing which is 98% of the time.

                "You said you're a Beta. How are you an Alpha? Daemon won't let me mate you. He said so."

                "Dad Alpha. I kill dad. I Alpha. I have biggest pack. Blood Fang Pack. You mine." Well, that was some plan or did he mean he already did it? The tiny sentences weren't helping.

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