Chapter 27: The Family I Wished I Had

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Over the next few weeks, Olga helped track down their cousin. It turns out she knew about the whole plot to make Hulk babies with some other guy and try to kill Ivan. Olga gave me a special delivery, her heart. Olga and Ivan have been talking and she doesn't seem frightened of him in the least. Roman even cracked a joke, or what I assumed was one since it was in Russian, but it had Ivan laughing. It was fake, but he tried.

Mac healed up quickly although his leg, arm and eye never grew back. That was my first time seeing a man missing any major appendage. Mac fought to stay near me. He was the only one who doesn't want anything from me besides Ivan. I have adopted him as my only brother. Out of love for me and his newly adopted brother, as he put it, Ivan had a prosthetic leg and arm made. Ivan has been circling him and growling at anyone that tries to come near him and talk smack. Mac and Ivan are almost inseparable. I would be jealous, but Ivan doesn't seem interested in outies.

Mac has been leading work outs with the pack and been embarrassing all of them. Even in his werewolf form, he destroys most of them when he fights. He has one leg missing, half an arm, one eye and he can't open his jaw very easily and he is still the best fighter out there. When Ivan tried to test him, it was closer than Daemon and Ivan's fight. The guy that Daemon "hired" while he was here, quit two days later and came back. Mac kicked his ass too. Ivan told me that he was going to make Mac his Beta. I rewarded him handsomely and repeatedly that night. He woke up with a smile plastered on his face.

I was growing so big and it had only been a little over two months. I looked five months pregnant. I had a feeling I was having more than one, but Ivan refused to take me to a doctor that wasn't a werewolf so I had to wait for one to fly in which was going to take another month. I was uncomfortable already and wanted my pregnancy to be over. I kept complaining because Olga didn't look any different and I was a fat cow. Ivan said I was beautiful. He always said that and then kissed me until I couldn't say bad things about myself anymore.

The pack seemed to be less murderous and almost average. They stopped fighting over everything. With Mac training them differently, I don't think they had the energy to fight. He would often laugh manically and I assume say something to them through the mind link because they would run away quickly. Mac was the best friend I never had and the family I wish I had. Ivan and Olga were the family I had acquired. I loved them all. Things settled down and I almost said I was happy, but I knew it couldn't last.

Three months into my pregnancy, I got a call froman unknown number. I didn't answer it and let it go to voicemail. When thephone gave me an alert, I checked it to see what it was about. Grey left me amessage saying that my parents were coming back to get me and they werebringing reinforcements. At least Grey gave me a heads up. I hate Daemon.

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