
188 21 3

"Nea, annyeonghaseyo Jeon Somi imnida!"

"Ong Seong Woo imnida!"

"Somi,oppa rindu Somi lama kita tak berjumpa".

"Khamsahamidah oppa,tapi Somi tak rindukan oppa mian...😎".


"Ok, chapter​ kali ni kami akn memperkenalkan 5 peserta yg baru".

"Nea, peserta pertama adalah..."

Name:Kim HyojeongS

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Name:Kim Hyojeong Hyojeong
Birth date:10 Mei 2003
Birth place:Ilsan, Korea
Talent:Singing and dancing
S.talent:ballet & aegyo
Company:Big Hit ent

talent:ballet & aegyoCompany:Big Hit ent

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Name:Kang Nielle
Birth date:17 November 2002
Birth place:Busan,Korea
S.talent:composing songs while playing guitar
Company:big Hit ent

talent:composing songs while playing guitarCompany:big Hit ent

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Name:Bae Sun Hee
Birth date:24 January 2004
Birth place: Sydney, Australia
Talent: dancing,sportgirl & can play all musical instruments
S.talent:have sweetest voice and sexy breath can make someone melting.
Company:big Hit ent

Company:big Hit ent

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Name:Kim Jung In in
Birth date:25 April 1997
Birth place:Ilsan,Korea
S.talent:ice skating & playing piano
Company:yg ent

talent:ice skating & playing pianoCompany:yg ent

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Name:Byun Irene
Birth date:20 may 2004
Birth place:new York
Talent:vocal & dance
S.talent: taekwando & ballet
Company:SM ent.

"Oh jinja,semua peserta cantik2 😊 oppa rasa mcm di syurga skrg ni"


"Baiklah itu saja dr kami Annyeong!!!"

"Jumpa lagi di chapter akn dtg!"

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