Chapter 6

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~listen to love song to get the feelings ~


I wake up early today because my man want to come over my house and send the things that I've ask to. I was at living room while sit on my couch.After a minute waiting, i hear a doorbell . I quickly go to the main door and open it .

Man:" Here the profile and information boss."

Taehyung:" ah thankyou and this your paid" give him the money in the envelop

Man:" I take my leave first , call me if you need me ."

Taehyung:" I will"

With that the man leave and i going inside to my house and get ready for school.

End Taehyung POV


I already arrive at my school it is because i go earlier than before. I got bored while sit in the class so i decided to go for walk and there was a few student that already arrive but none of them are my classmates.  After 20 minutes walking around in school, i go back to my classroom and then i saw Taehyung at his seat while playing with his phone. I slowly make my way to my seat and didn't give a sign of fuck if he was staring at me. I took out my earphone and start listening to song while resting my head at the table. When i was raise my head up, i saw that Taehyung staring at me. And I spoke up..

Y/N : " How long did  you staring at me like that?"

Taehyung : " Since you walk inside this class."

Y/N :  " Don't stare at me like that unless if you want me to make your eyes blind forever."

Taehyung : " What do you mean by 'don't stare at me like that' y/n-ah" he get closer, closer, closer and closer untill our face were just few inc away ..

I don't how to react so i just stay still and stare deep into his eyes. His eyes was sparkling and so beautiful. My heart start to beating faster and this feeling was so familiar to me . We still in the same position until the others classmates come inside the class with the teacher and we broke the stare and act like nothing happen. The teacher start the lesson but i can't focus into what she teaching at infront .. I wonder why i can't focus? After an hour passed , bell are ringing and sign for the lunch time. I quickly pack my things and  go out from the class ..I headed to cafeteria after put my book in the locker . I didn't have appetite to eat so i just take Apple juice with me and seat to empty table. Sohye was absent today so I'm alone but I'm still okay about that. Then a group of the girl come and approach me.

Taehyung POV

I saw y/n quickly packing her stuff and get out from the class. Did she just trying to get rid from me after what i did earlier?Ugh i don't know.. Without waiting more longer sitting in the class, i packing my stuff and headed to the cafeteria. When i arrive at the cafeteria, i heard someone say my name  and then i heard y/n voice. I quickly walk to see what  was happening at there.

End of Taehyung POV

While i was about to drink my juice , I saw a group of girl come surrounding me and pour their drinks to me.

Girl 1 : " yah nerdy! Stay away from Taehyung. He's mine!"

Y/N : " Are you sure that he's yours?well i never saw him walking together with you while I'm in this school. And who are you to ask me to stay away from him!?" I raise my voice a little

Girl 2 : " Yah! Who are you dare to raise voice to us ! For you information, she was Taehyung future girlfriend..We are the beautiful queenka in this school and the person you talking with are our leader Momo.

Y/n : " Ahh Momo was your name huh? Listen carefully . Did i looks like i care about that? I don't give a fuck about that bitch! Who are me ? I'm your nightmare and i can kill you anytime so beware of what you said. Just future girlfriend not officially right? So you don't have right to told me what to do. Beautiful queenka my ass! I think the cleaners are more beautiful than you !"  I said that with an anger because i couldn't hold it anymore

Momo : " Heol.. I think you really want me to hit you didn't you?"

That Momo girl  slap me twice and countinue  slapping me untill my cheeks turn red. I got up from the seat and push her and her friends to the ground hit their butt. I pickup my bags and run away from there. My tears start streaming down to my face while I'm running. I don't know where to go so i just go to the rooftop.

Y/n:" Why me!? Why me always get hit when  i didn't deserve to get that!? Why people always accused me that i steal their boyfriend even i didn't do that and doesn't even think about that at all !?"

I keep crying over and over. And then i started to remember what happen in the past..

To be countinue

Who's the girl that Taehyung talk about?What happen to y/n in the past? What did y/n remember ?

Please stay tuned if you want to know what happen next✨

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