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My brother, Cedric, who'd never hurt a fly IGNORED me.

We were getting split into teams which is one of the few things that mixes good and evil and I was hoping to see my brother so we could come up with a plan to fix out situation. I was standing, trying my best not to fidget too much. The rest of my school was apart from me except Alex, no surprise there. I think I've developed quite a fearsome reputation if I do say so myself and this bodes well if I am to be in evil.

Anyway, Alex was ranting about how rude my classmates were being and how, when he became the strongest warrior he'd teach them. And I was too distracted looking for my brother to express my doubts on the matter so he just kept rambling on.

Then, finally evil arrives, fashionably late, most likely at the behest of aunt Sophie causing me to bite back a twinge of jealousy. Soon, that's where I'll be. Soon, I'll be in my rightful place.

As these thoughts flow through my head I nearly don't recognize the boy in the front of the evil group. The once bright face is now dull and shadowed, the eyes that once glimmered and glowed with excitement and hope are lifeless.

I ignore my surprise and step forward and open my mouth ready to come up with a good plan to be put in our respective schools. Instead, he and his clique of evil friends just sweep past me and leave me standing! They left me looking like an idiot!

So, of course I spin around, stride towards my brother, and grab his hand.


He stops but doesn't look into my eyes.


He continues to avoid my eyes. I'm getting pissed now.


He continues to say nothing and I know his well muscled arms from hours of swordplay could throw me off easily if they so wished and the fact that they aren't is a positive sign. But I also know that he is really mad at me about something and his brotherly patience only lasts so long so I have to speak fast and try to make up quickly.

"Cedric, Ced, it's me Dree, your sister. What happened to you? Why do you look so different? And we have to make a plan to get to our right schools-"

"Right schools?" I flinch. His voice is icy cold, this isn't the Cedric I know.

"My dear sister, you look well". 


"Rosy flush, healthy, good."

"What are you talking abou-"

"Our mother believed she was in the wrong school didn't she? What makes you think we are any different?"


"Anyway, good day to you and for future reference do not associate with me. Good and evil are separate for a reason."





A New Ever After(School for Good and Evil fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now