Nanjo Yoshino x Reader

758 23 4

Requested by: @Thirdfx
!!!thanks for the request!!!

The story begins at minute 9

Nanjolno's P.O.V
Today me and Kussun have an interview for 'NozoEli Radio Garden'. Me and Kussun were laughing so much that we didn't notice that someone came into the room.

Y/N's P.O.V
I was on the way to my audio studio that my sister and I became from our stepfather. But the thing is...

I was lost!

I didn't know were I was because all the studios look alike. I hate it!, never were here any directions or signs. As I turned a corner I just burst into the next room that I saw. But...that was the wrong room!

„I-I I'm so sorry!!" „Who are you?" a girl asked with brown hair and a white and violet cap. „I'm L/N Y/N n-nice to meet you" I bowed.

„Wait you are the YouTube star that is the best in all languages. I always wanted to meet you" The other brown haired girl said.

Kussun's P.O.V
„Wow I didn't knew that you would like to meet a YouTube star" I asked Nanjolno. "By the why I'm Nanjo Yoshino and this is Kusuda Aina" Nanjolno said.

"Wait are you two live?" Y/N asked as she stepped back. "Yeah we are but do you want to be in it?" I asked.
"I'm not sure" She said. "Come here" Nanjolno gestured her over.

"Do we have an extra chair" all of the staffs laughed and smirked. Some of them shakes their heads. "No we don't" one staff said.

"Ok then... is it okay if one of you sit on my lap?" Y/N asked unsure. I smirked and held Nanjolno's hand above her head. "I think Nanjolno wouldn't mind" Nanjolno blushed red like a tomato.

Slowly Nanjolno stood up and let Y/N sit down, then Nanjolno sat down on Y/N's lap. Nanjolno blushed and
Y/N laughed. "Ok, what were you talking about?" Y/N asked.

„We were talking about flus" „Ok, I'm out" Y/N said laughing. „Why?" I asked. „I'm just not feeling really well about the theme flu" Y/N said. "It's okay we weren't talking about itself, rather we were talking about how we felt or what we did."

"Oh also. Hi guys I'm L/N Y/N. I'm a YouTube star that some of you should know" Y/N introduced herself.

Nanjolno's P.O.V
Why!!! Why must I sit on Y/N's lap. Some people I think know that I've liked Y/N for a while. She's so talented and cute. I think Kussun just want that we two know each other and become friends and then we're gonna be in a relationship.

The whole time I said nothing and Y/N and Kussun talked about everything.
Y/N sat a little back and then I felt her arms around my waist. I think Y/N found out it was a little uncomfortable for me. I mean everyone saw that I was blushing and saying nothing. Nobody ever saw me like this.

I think I'm really gonna fall for Y/N. "Hey!!! Nanjolno-San!!!" I was torn from my dream as Y/N was shouting and shaking me. "Y-Yes?? What is it?" I asked. "You weren't listening and you were staring at your paper" Kussun said. "Oh was I?" I asked. "Yes and you even fell a little to the front that
Y/N had to hold you" "Huh!!! What!" Then I ran away. "Nanjolno-San!!! Stop!" I heard Y/N screaming behind me. While I run I turn around and saw Y/N running behind me.

"I'm okay! It's nothing. Please go back to Kussun." "No I'm not" Y/N screamed and tackled me to the floor.

"Nanjolno What is happening?" She asked. "N-Nothing" I said.

Y/N's P.O.V
Uhhhhhh why is she so stubborn. Didn't she already notice that I'm also in love with her. "Nanjolno. I-I..." "Yes?" Nanjolno asked unsure.

I was red, like really red. I just screamed my question.

"I'm in love with you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" "Huh! Did you just say that you like me too?" "Yes I did" She grabbed my face and bought it closer to her face. Then she kissed me slowly and the passionately. I immediately kissed back.

I stood up and hold an hand out to her. "You knew that I was in love with you didn't you?" She asked. "Yes but my feelings at first weren't right. But then I fell in love with you too."

"And by the way. Yes I want to be your girlfriend" she said smiling. I kissed her again and embraced her. "Don't we must go back to Kussun and the others?" "Yes but can we go on a d-date, when I'm finished with the interview?" "Sure. I'd love to"

3rd P.O.V
The two went back to the interview and were teased by everyone even from their fans. All said that their were cute and a cool and cute couple.



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