Chapter Six: Foot In Mouth & Car Rides

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Chapter Six:

Foot In Mouth & Car Rides

With a heavy groan, I throw myself into my lunch seat. Meredith squints at me, crumbling brown bread onto her plastic tray.

“What is wrong with you today, B? It’s like you’re constipated or something.” She frowns, but the leans in close to my slumped figure with concern. “If you are, my dad has some leftover pills from the Pharmacy. No one would need to know,” she sooths, running her hand over my shoulder.

Scoffing harshly, I shrug her off. “No, Meredith. I’m not fricking constipated. God, just lay off already!” I wail at her.

But as I ponder how sucky my life is and how I probably need a new bed because my back has a definite crick, I realise how sort of sweet she can be. How she just offered to give me contraband pills in case I was embarrassed. She’s sort of the best.

So I suck up my heavy need to sit and sulk and wrap weighty arms around her.

“Sorry. I’m just really prissy today.” I squeeze her tightly and laugh at myself, “You’re sort of the best, Meredith.”

She tuts happily and smooth’s my hair, hugging me back before pulling my away slightly, “That was really sweet, but you’re going to ruin my hair and this is sort of Lesbian-y. Daniel could be watching, he could get the wrong idea sweetie.” I laugh at her, but let her go happily.

“You know, he might like that sort of thing.” I shrug jokingly and watch in horror as her eyes widen in wonder.

“Really, you think so?” She asks openly, her hand creeping back up to rest on my shoulder as she smiles over at Daniel’s table.

“No way, Meredith! I am not going to pretend to be your lesbian-life-partner to get some guys attention! I draw a line!” Squeaking my finger across the table-top, I struggle not to break out in hysterical laughter as I edge away from Meredith’s grappling hands.

“Oh come on! I have to explore all options! I promise I’ll be loving.” She yells as I stand and back away from her table. Her eyes a light with mischief, she stands and throws her arms in the air carelessly, “Baby don’t go! I love you! There! I said it!” She yells, folding her fingers across her heart and pouting her lips.

Playing along, I sniffle loudly and squeeze my eyes shut. “You had your chance, baby-cakes. It’s over. No more lovin’ from this one!” I yell, turning swiftly and laughing all the way out the door.


If you told me I would be walking home today. In the pouring, freezing November rain. I would have laughed at you. Damn it, Meredith would have laughed at you.

But here I am, wading my way through freezing puddles with sopping socks and blurring make-up.

I need to learn to keep my big fat mouth shut in future. Or sew Meredith’s up.

*50 minutes before*

“Okay, you’re kidding me. He did not ask you that!” I squeal in outrage as my legs hang over the bleachers. Meredith nods proudly, shoving her pom-pom in my face and waving it.

“Showcasing a mighty lady-lover break up totally worked. I have like fifteen new Facebook friend requests and the stoners are giving me some serious eye. Even the freaks look at me differently and they probably know we were just kidding.”

Everything Meredith has ever wanted, more attention and again amazing me with her ability to rise up even more when I figured she’d reached the top.

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