Meeting (Alex Pov)

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Sure I'd never been one for what Kara called a booty call, but this was different. I was starting to get actual feelings  for Sara,and it's scaring me. These are the thoughts that plague my dreams. Great. No I can't even have peace in my dreams?!

There's a knock at the door . Who the hell is at the door at....what my alarm says to be 6 in the morning ?! I roll out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping Sara, who moans slightly, making me tingle.
I had been lonely, we'd been talking on the phone, and I'd started crying and she'd just appeared, and one thing led to another and.....

Sure it was the 4th time this month, but it isn't a thing. It can't be a thing. It's only been 2 months since me and Maggie called off our engagement and Sara lives on another Earth, not to mention the fact she is the captain of a timeship. So no, no dreaming brain, get back to the land of genetics and martial arts. Sara Lance shouldn't be up there. But she is.

The person knocked again. I stood up, grabbed Sara's corny Flash t-shirt and ran to the door coming face to face with......

Maggie. I was standing in front of my ex fiance in booty shorts and someone else's t-shirt. Also, she chose to come to my apartment at 6 in the morning.
What. Is. Happening.

"Hey Danvers. Nice t-shirt, can we talk?" Maggie blurted out, almost shouting."Ummm...sure just not right now, can you go?"I asked quietly, making Maggie confused.
"Danvers I kind of need to talk to you now. Like right now."She put her hands on her hips and stared at me.

"Hey babe, who's at the door? Also do you have coffee here? I don't remember from last time."Sara said, rubbing her eyes and walking over."Hi you must be Maggie". She walked over and put her head on my shoulder and her arms around my waist. Oh god I'm fucked."Yeah I'm Maggie who the hell are you?!" Maggie grunted. Wait, did she look...angry ? What's happening?

"Sara Lance, Alex's girlfriend ."Wait, since when were we dating. I mean sure its was nice to hear her call me her Girlfriend, and I kinda wanted to ask her but a little warning would be nice. Girlfriends though . I like it ."Nice to meet you,but I gotta go. Hey babe I'm going to go shower, Mick's gonna drop over so if you want you can join me"she said seductively, kissing my shoulder. I wanted to talk to Maggie, but I couldn't pass that offer up. Might as well make Maggie jealous." Sorry Maggie, duty calls" I said, saluting her and slamming the door before running after Sara. I could hear Maggie knocking but I didn't care. I heard the shower turn on and Sara step in as I took my t-shirt off in the hall. This is gonna be interesting.

A few hours later
"Wow"I said, flopping down on the bed."Yeah, I think that was some of my best work. Helps if you have a good partner though." Sara said beside me, wiggling her eyebrows. God I love her. I kiss her softly, and she responds with energy I didn't think she could have after what just happened.

The door opens and I hear familiar humming and the room seems cheerier. Shit. Sisters night. Kara."Go into the bathroom." I whisper to Sara."What?!" She looks confused, but Kara's coming so I shove her in the bathroom and wrap a towel around myself just as the bedroom door opens.

"Alex... Woah okay you're just out of the shower. Why were you showering at....8 in the evening?" Kara laughed."Also Maggie said she came over to talk to you but someone was here? Wearing your clothes?" She pushed her glasses up her nose and I knew I was caught. I sighed, pulled some leggings and a t-shirt on and went and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Are you dressed?" I asked."Yes" came from the other side of the door. Kara looked like a lost puppy. I opened the door and dragged Sara out to my room. She was dressed but barely. She was wearing my booty shorts and a long shirt." Kara you know Sara.....she's my...girlfriend I guess? Yeah girlfriend. Don't you dare freak out!" I said, pointing at Kara and holding Sara's hand at the same time. All me and Sara heard was a shriek.

"YAY! YAY! YAY! The White Canary's gonna be my sister-in-law, I'm probably gonna get nieces and or nephews, just YAY!" Kara screamed."Slow your roll Little Danvers, though I do love your sister I am still the captain of a timeship, which I have to return to every once in a while." Sara warned. "Ooh you could time travel and have a cool wedding at like, Woodstock !" She squealed. Kara may be my little sister, but she can really get on my nerves sometimes.

"Sara, I'll see you on Wednesday okay ?" I said turning to her."Aww c'mon Danvers, don't I get a goodbye kiss?!" she said to me, gasping and clutching her heart "You wound me". I grin and pull her closer."This good enough for you?"I whisper and start kissing her. You'd think Kara would be embarrassed, but she was staring like a kid on Christmas, this was evidently her dream so who was I to deny her."Wow" Sara said pulling away breathless."I might come back a bit sooner than Wednesday." She started to walk out the door, but I jumped as she slapped my ass.Finally, something that might make Kara look away. I was correct she is as red as her skirt right now.

"Wait Sara why don't you stay for Sister's Night all we were going to do is watch Game Of Thrones?" Kara blurts out. Sara looked puzzled. "Whats Game of Thrones?" Myself and Kara gasped. She was definitely staying now.

3 Hours Later

"Okay so now that I have watched whatever that was, I have to go."Sara stood up and Alex followed her to the door."I look forward to seeing you again Miss Lance"I smirked at her, my arms around her neck."Me too, Hotter Danvers" Sara whispered."HEY I heard that!" Kara yelled. "Would you be willing to be compared to my beautiful girlfriend while naked?" Sara questioned, narrowing her eyes at Kara. No response. Damn, I am lucky. Most people can't get Kara to shut up in a half an hour, let alone a single sentence."Okay my point stands. Bye babe." She said pecking me on the lips and striding off into the night.

"Good job Alex. For starters, she's as cool as you, and secondly you two would make some beautiful children" Kara said as I sat down."Kara shut up right now" I grunted. Now she's getting on my nerves."So how long have you been going out?"She asked, sipping her water."Um well officially just today but unofficially about a month"I heard her spit the water back into her glass. Good. It's nice to be the one to make everyone else surprised for a change. I strolled off into my bedroom, leaving her staring after me.

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