Aw Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving. The time I get complete drunk so I can avoid my mothers questions about my life, or about Kara's life, or about why everything in My or Kara's life is wrong. Basically I don't talk much.
Ever since I came out and started dating Maggie it's been better. There's no more questions about if I'm seeing anyone which is good overall. But still, Thanksgiving sucks.

This year I want to change that.

2 Days Before Thanksgiving
"Sara" I whisper, shaking her shoulder."Hmm what Alex" she grunts."Sara I need to talk to you. Please at least sit up. I'll kiss you if you do." And she's straight up, so I give her a peck on the lips."Cmon Danvers a peck? What's the issue?" She asked, yawning and rubbing sleep out of her eyes. I must admit my Power Puff Girls pyjamas manage look sexy on her. To be honest, everything looks sexy on her."So you know it's Thanksgiving....."I trailed off."And you want to me to stay here and meet your family"she stared blankly at me."Yes please and could you come at 8 so I have time to break it to them slowly?" I blurted out.

"Who's coming?Kara and your mom I know but who else has Kara invited?" She asks."Lena Luthor, Winn from the DEO, James who is Kara's friend, and Mon-El and his wife Imra, because I was too afraid to say no." I put my hands on my hips and stare at her."Fine I'll come but if your mom freaks out I still have to stay as I have nowhere else to sleep. No one is allowed stay over, because we are having sex afterwards." I started to complain but was interrupted.

"Ah no ifs , some butts, then you me and two pairs of coconuts"She whispered, wiggling her eyebrows."Oh my god Sara!" I yelled shoving her off the bed, tears streaming down my face." Shove me off the bed?! Come here" she lunged at me and we started to wrestle to see who could beat the other,while kissing of course, everything is better with kissing.

"Hey Alex.. Woah okay my eyes, they burn!" Kara yelled, walking in the door."Haha sorry Kara" I smiled untangling myself from Sara."We were celebrating. Sara agreed to come to Thanksgiving, and to come halfway through to explain it first." Sara did a mock bow, and got a sudden hug from Kara."Thank God Eliza has been calling me non-stop asking me are you seeing anyone, are you putting yourself out there, she also says its 6 months since you and Maggie called it off and you should be putting yourself out there" Kara blurted." Well okay then Kara she should be happy to see me right?" Sara calmed her"So let's not worry. Just go with the flow"

Thanksgiving(At Kara's Apartment)
"Hey Kara when is Mom getting here?" I yelled from the kitchen "About 10 minutes. Winn, James and Lena agreed to pick her up in Lena's limo, give her a classy entrance" Kara said walking into the room."Hah mom will love that. Like a celebrity."I heard Kara's Apartment door open, and taking filled the house."Alexandra did you know I was being picked up in a limo? I've never had such an exciting trip in my life. You didn't book one because that would be too much." I laughed and hugged her."No Eliza it's actually Lena's Private limo so you were in the safe hands of L-Corp" Kara said. I went to hug James, Lena and Winn and closed the door. Apparently Mon-El and Imra were having some trouble and weren't coming.

We were halfway into dinner and I was only slightly drunk, which is good for me. I looked at the clock and realised it was 7.30. Sara was getting here at eight, so I should start explaining. Once everyone had finished their turkey, Kara stood up."Time to say what we're thankful for. I am thankful for all of you for making my life better, for this delicious turkey, and for everything really." Kara said and sat down. I'm next. Quick glance at the clock. It's 5 to 8 better make this quick."I am thankful for all of you, for my job, for my life but most of all I am thankful....thankful girlfriend." A gasp came from the table.

"We've been dating for 4 months and she makes me very happy and.." The doorbell suddenly rang."Right on cue" I said and scurried to the door. I opened it to find Sara Lance standing there in jeans and a white shirt, with a windbreaker over. Perfect.

"Everyone this is Sara Lance. My...My girlfriend." I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the room, scanning everyone's faces . Winn looked weirdly excited, James was as always unreadable, Lena had a look on her face which read ' She's hot, you go girl' and Kara already knew. The final test was Mom. I wouldn't know until she spoke as she wasn't looking at me but at Sara. Suddenly she stood up..and hugged Sara."Welcome to the family I'm Eliza."She said, sitting back down and gesturing for us to do the same.

"So Sara where are you from?" She asked."I'm from Star city, but...a different Earth. Earth Prime." Sara said. I think Winn just died. He looks like he died when she said that."Wow so the multiverse theory has been proven. And I'm assuming you're the Sara Lance that is the captain of a timeship. Interesting work." Mom said. Sara took off her windbreaker. Shit you can see the scar on her wrist, I'm trying to pull her shirt up but I'm not fast enough."Where is that from?" Mom asks.

"Oh yeah, this one time I was stuck in Salem during the Witch Burning times and there's was a girl who they were beheading because she was gay, saying she didn't deserve to be purified. I got angry, lunged in tried to protect her but by accident blocked it with my wrist. Hurt like a bitch but I got the girl out so. I also relocated her to Lady Island, where she was VERY happy let me tell you" Sara finished her story quickly smiling, grabbed a fork and started to eat some chicken.

"Wait you're the White Canary right?..Will you...take a picture with me?" Winn blurted out. " Why?" Sara asked." Me and Cisco had a bet that I could call myself The Master of Tech on the groupchat if i could get a picture of you kissing my cheek" he blushed."Sure it's nice to make Cisco mad every once in a while" She stood up going over to Winn and kissing his cheek while he took a picture. Everyone stared. Most people would just be weirded out, but Sara took it all in her stride. Its one of the reasons I love her.

"Now back to the check I want to kiss" She said, kissing both my cheeks as she sat down. Mom seemed to take this show of affection as good enough for her she had passed the test, and the rest of the evening passed with laughter and stories of dangerous missions and hilarious stories, mainly about me as a kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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