Unexpected Arrival

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Sara was right. She did come back earlier than Wednesday. It was Sunday, less than two days after she'd left, and I heard a knock on the door. Though they didn't keep our home addresses at the DEO for safety reasons, there was always a chance that someone had found me, so I eased my handgun out of the drawer."Just a second!" I yelled, covering up the sound of me cocking the gun and running to the door.

I opened the door and felt a familiar pair of lips smash against mine, pushing me to the door."Hey Hotter Danvers"Sara whispered into my ear. I pushed her forward to look at her, in a tank top and shorts, looking pretty hot I might add, but nonetheless I was surprised to see her.

"What are you doing back so early?"I asked wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling in close."Well no anachronisms today so I thought me and you could take a trip to the beach, catch some rays, wanna be my Danny Zuko for the day?" She wiggled her eyebrows at the last part. I laughed long and hard, she always made me laugh.

"Sure. Let's go." I chuckled, smiling.

After a half an hour we had reached the beach. I was glad I had put a bathing suit on underneath my dress, because it was obvious Sara wanted to swim. She ran at the water like shsd never seen the sea before, giggling like a cute blond toddler. We splashed around for a while before heading back to sunbathe on our stomachs, gazing at each other, occasionally laughing and exchanging kisses. People stared at us but I didn't care. I was happy.

At around six it started to get cold. I wanted to get out of my bathing suit, so I left Sara to mind our stuff while I got changed. After I came out, I found a man standing outside the changing room. He had been staring at me and Sara, so much so he just stopped and glared at us.
"Can I help you?" I said politely, even though he was giving me the creeps.
"Yeah, you can go to hell" he said angrily. "What ?!" Okay now he was really getting to me."You're sick, you deserve to die !" He yelled and punched me.

I was so shocked I didn't even react and I fell to the ground. He started to kick my stomach and my legs, saying that I didn't deserve to live. Suddenly he stopped and I looked into the eyes of my guardian angel. Sara.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She rushed to help me up"Babe, you okay?" I couldn't see well, but enough to see the fist headed towards her."Sarra.." I managed. She turned around, and caught his fist.

"What right do you think you have to go around harming people because they're gay?!" She said as the man collapsed to his knees, his eyes bulging in pain as she broke his wrist."Do you think God just goes around killing people because they're gay, we're allowed to love whoever we want, trust me I met Jesus he was a pretty chill guy until he was crucified."

I'd never seen Sara like this before. To be honest, it kinda turned me on. She looked so...powerful, like she was owning her sexuality. It was super hot."Now get the hell out of here before I have you arrested" she said letting him go, but not before she dislocated his shoulder and listened to him howl in pain.

Once he had scurried off, Sara picked me up bridal style and carried me to my car, laying me in the passenger seat before driving us both to the hospital. As she explained to the nurse what had happened and she immediately looked appalled. They got me into an examination room, where they told me I had a bruised trachea and lung but in a few days I'd be perfectly fine as long as I didn't strain myself at work.
The doctors all commended Sara saying it could've been much worse had she not saved me, but she just replied saying she'd do anything for me, which melted my heart.

Kara was at my apartment looking worried when we got back, and when Sara explained what had happened she hugged me tight then turned and hugged Sara and thanked her over and over.

"Thank you thank you thank you "Kara said, hugging Sara and lifting her off the ground."No problem. Besides I couldn't let my Hotter Danvers be hurt. I liked standing up to him for you."she said, pecking me on the lips."Hmm well it was kinda sexy" I said suggestively, and we started exchanging kisses which turned into making out."I love you and all but I don't really want to see you express just how sexy Sara was today" Kara interrupted, red cheeked.

"Fine Little Danvers. How about we watch that thrones thing or whatever?"Sara suggested, sitting down and pulling me onto her lap. Kara turned it on and they sat with me sitting on Sara with my legs on Kara. Sara evidently wasn't done with what they started earlier as she had her hand resting on my ass and would squeeze it whenever there was a lovey scene on.

At about 11 Kara decided to head home so it was just me, still sitting on Sara's lap."So Hotter Danvers...what do you want to do now?" Sara said, with that mischievous glint in her eye."I don't know, Lance, maybe we should just go to sleep." I said teasing her. After all, I gotta make her work for it or it's no fun."Well like Kara said, you could show me just how sexy you thought I was..." She whispered and nipped my ear. I shivered all the way down to my toes. Okay now I was prepared to give in."It was pretty sexy I guess. It kinda turned me on..."I said lacing my fingers around her neck."Well let's see how much " she said picking me up and walking towards my bedroom. Well you know the rest.

Author's note

Okay so just for the record in this chapter im not implying religious people are all anti-gay it's just I know some Christians etc live by the "though shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman"(i think thats Inthe Bible). So I wanted some challenges for them and what better than Sara saving Alex in a normal setting from in this case a religious violent anti-gay ? I don't know where this is going so suggestions are helpful. Also if the Bible quote is wrong please tell me I'm an atheist I dunno

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