004- True story

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"So this is your school?"

"What an old school"

"Hye don't walk so fast"

"Shut up! Will you?" You yell at Jimin once you get annoyed with his attitude that keep asking non-stop.

All students around you give their attention towards you. You just give them an awkward smile.

And quickly walk towards your class.

On your way to your class you meet seulgi, who always curse you.

"Pity her, she have a pretty face but crazy mind" seulgi and two of her friends start to laugh like a vampire.

You just keep silence, you can't fight they back cause you know people will blame you after that.

Although that's not your fault.

Jimin who standing beside you look at seulgi with his not satisfied face.

He can't let bitch like her curse you although he just know you like 24 hours ago.

He decide to make seulgi pay back.

Pay with felt ashamed like she always make you felt.

"Hey Hwamin! Look what I can do!" He shout to make sure you heard him.

You spin your body towards him and what you get is he slap seulgi butt.


You didn't believe he would do something like that.

"Hye! How dare you stupid boy touch my butt!" Seulgi yells at the boy who just pass by her.

"What the hell is wrong with you girl? You think I would like to touch your butt? Oh please I have a girlfriend" the boy said.

You have to admit that this gonna be fun. You chuckle when saw it.

Now seulgi feel ashamed. You thought Jimin will stop but nope.

When seulgi start to run and cover her cheek that turning to red because of felt ashamed, she fell down once she stumble Jimin's leg.

Everyone around her start to laugh loudly. You just hit your forehead with your palm.


"How about my trick? Funny right?" Jimin wraps his arm around your shoulder.

You just giggle. "You're evil. "

"I know"he laugh.

You just roll your eyes and keep walking towards which food shop you want to by that yukgaejang.

After buying a bowl yukgaejang you quickly go to the hospital.

You told your mother that you will be home late, and you know she didn't not care much about you.

She more happy if you didn't at home. It make her life become more peaceful.

When you safely arrive at the hospital, you go to the information counter to ask one of the nurse which room Jimin's mother was placed.

"She in the room 31 at the third floor"

"Thankyou miss" you bow before walk again towards the elevator.

In the elevator

Jimin keep making a jokes that make you laugh. Once the elevator stop at the first floor, the door open and there're many people go inside.

You automatically stop laughing. There's an awkwardly silence.

It's very crowded with people, you didn't have enough oxygen to breath.

Since everyone can't see Jimin and only you can see him. He start to walk around the elevator like no on inside it.

He penetrate everyone, and they hug their own body cause feeling cold after Jimin penetrated them.

You try holding back your laugh

Wtf Park Jimin? Please stop making me laugh like a crazy girl

Jimin look straight to you. He smirk.

[A/N : I really want you guys imagine he did a smirk that didn't look like smirk ]

You just shake your head many time with slowly. Like you know he will do something bad and funny.

But luckily the elevator stop at the third floor at the right time. If not you will laugh over Jimin trick.

And all people will said you crazy again.


"How you know I want to eat this?" Mrs Park ask you once you give a bowl yukgaejang to her.

"Your son" you said simple.

"Wait you his friend?" She ask again.

You slowly nod.

"Thank you" she smile sweetly looking down that yukgaejang.

"Talking about him, where's him?"

That question that when out from her mouth make you lost your words.

You look at Jimin who standing not far from you guys. He just look down.

Didn't strong enough to look at his mom reaction.

"Urm.. I want to tell you but first promise me you must be strong aunt"

"Wh-what you mean by that?"

"Look your son involves in car accident at that time he brought a bowl of yukgaejang to you. Like 3 days ago and he pass away at that day"

"No..no I can't be! Tell me this's not real!"

She shake your body. "No, this is real aunt"

Your emotions turn to sad once you saw a tears coming out from her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry to tell you this" you suddenly hug her to calm her down.

You look at Jimin, his face also turn to sad. He just look down his shoe and walk away.

He didn't strong enough to see her mom crying like this. He hate making her sad.

To be continued

How those 4 chapter? It's great enough?

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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