Dear Miss Cradey, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Please find enclosed a list of all the blah blah blah.
That was my first thought when I glanced over the letter.
Who am I exactly? That's a great questoion, because I'm not really sure either. I'm not saying that I woke up this morning and forgot everything about me. No, that's not my issue. Let me just say this though, waking up and forgetting everything, it's awful.
Anyway, the name's Stephanie. As of two weeks ago, I'm an elevn year old living with my two sisters and three aunts. I wish I could give you a grand introduction on my live before now but, I don't remember any of it. For all I know I could have been a test tube baby or grown in some lab. I don't remember anything before, oh about the age of eight. I'm ninety-seven percent sure, however, I was not created by some scientist. The thing that convinces me the most would be my two sisters. Well, my family claims they're my sisters, sometimes I'm not so sure. Despite my questioning state, Alexa and Sage are really my biological sisters.
Alexa, Sage, and I look nearly identical. Okay, that's sort of a lie. Sage and I actually are identical. Born on the same exact day from the same mother nine minutes apart. I was born first, of course. We have the same golden blonde hair that flows down our backs with just a slight curl. We have the same faces, although mines a bit rounder and hers angular. Our eyes are both almond shaped. Sage's eyes are a light green with flecks blue in them. Mine, on the other hand, are a deep blue with flecks of green in them; our eyes have the same design, just different colour schemes.
Alexa, on the other hand, is less identical than us. Being born a year later apparently gave us time for our hair to lighten. Alexa has the same length hair, except her's is a deep brown and much curlier. Her eyes are also a chocholate brown colour, much like our aunts. Alexa resembles the Halliwell's while Sage and I the Cradey's. I actually resemble the Cradey's more than Sage. My father had braces when he was little and always wore glasses. So, I too have braces and glasses. Thanks sir for passing me your great genetics.
The three of us also all share the same birthmark. The three of us have a pyramid of three stars on our left thigh. Everyone on my mums side of the family, the Halliwell's, all have similar birthmarks. What's really strange is, depending on how many sisters/siblings you have, that's how many stars are in the pyramid.
My sisters and I live with our aunts (our mum's sisters) Piper, Prue, and Phoebe and we have for as long as I can remember...which isn't saying much really. The six of us live in the Halliwell/Cradey manor that the 'sisters' grew up in. I guess the torch had been passed and it was our turn to live and grow there.
This was our newest living arrangement. Before my sisters, Prue, Piper, and I had lived in a small, three roomed flat in Sutton, while Phoebe was living in New York (doing God only knows what). Once our Grams got sick and was hospitalized the five of us moved into the Manor to help take care of her. Well, she wasn't technically our Grams, she was our mum's grams, making her our Great Grams; we all always called her Grams though. A year ago, however, she passed away and shortly after Phoebe moved back home.
I never cared much for Grams. While my genetics were fairly similar to Sage and Alexa's, this was one area where we differed. Those two loved Grams. She had her kind and loving moments, but I thought she was off her rocker half of the time. She always tried to make me sing these weird songs or make me drink these terrible concoctions. She claimed she was trying to market a new beverage to the masses and I was her 'guinea pig'. I was always the guinea pig, never Sage or Alexa, always me. I had no idea who she would have been marketing these drinks to, but I knew they wouldn't have bought what she was selling. The tasted from rotting cabbage to hairy, gorilla butt. I never told her that though.