1 § his collection

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Chapter 1 - His collection

It was simple, Taehyung lived in a small village. He was famous for being the most feminine looking guy because of his long eyelashes, even girls envied him. He's only feminine when you look at his appearance, and if you didn't know him well enough. But once you got to know this young male, he is nothing of feminine.

His voice was deeper than the sea and his etiquette? Absolutely awful. His sudden actions are also quite questionable. But there are some good sides to him though, for example; he has really polite manners, he's selfless and his singing voice is something everyone wants to keep hearing and listening to, but he hardly ever shows it.

His sister, Taeyeon is a fashion designer who takes care of him and his younger siblings. She has fashion runaway shows from time to time at the village to earn a living for all of them. Their parents died a long time ago and their relatives don't give a shit about them. So he and his sister looks after what's left.

One day at a fashion runaway, a model got her ankle injured. Taeyeon lacked a model required for her fashion show and had no choice but to beg his younger brother, Kim Taehyung to fill in.

"Please Taehyung-ah, you're the only one that can pull this off!", Taeyon begged.

Taehyung of course shook her off, "I will not fucking crossdress for you".

"Taehyung, if you don't fucking do this for me, you're fucking not eating anything tonight.", Taeyeon deadpans.

He can never refute his sister and her tone was petrifying. He was very reluctant to but in the end, his sister won. Taehyung wore a rose petal gown with bits of roses and petals on the right shoulder, it was tight around the waist and then it flows outwards creating the dress. Taehyung also wore a black long hair wig and face was painted with makeup that matched the gown he was wearing.

He now looks more feminine than ever. He stood backstage waiting for his queue and when he was signaled, he walked straight out of that curtain. He tried not to stumble as he walked ahead but it was quite difficult, the heels he was wearing was so damn painful. The crowd cheered and his friends didn't even recognise him. Why would they? He had heavy makeup on his face.

He was very uncomfortable, he took a glance at his sister giving her a displeased look. She was just smiling, looking proud. Suddenly, Taehyung notices a guard of royalty approach Taeyeon. Taeyeon was smiling, nodding. He's not flirting with his sister was he!?. Taehyung hopped out of that stage as fast as he could, his body moved on its own.

He was ready to fight him, until "Taehyung-ah, what the hell are you doing!?", Taeyeon sternly whispered. Taehyung gave her a "what?" look and she pointed behind him. Shit, everyone was looking at him including the models who were on stage as well.

He quickly bowed in apology for his interruption. And the runaway continued, afterwards it ended with his sister's closing speech. Not bothered to take of his dress he came towards his sister afterwards to ask about the guy who was talking to her. But he didn't have to when she called out to him.

"Taehyung-ah, this is Yoongi, his a royal guard.", Taeyeon introduced, Taehyung bowed as sign of respect. Why was a guard at a fashion show? A royal one even..

"Taehyung, he's looking for candidates to be the prince's bride", She continued smiling.

"Lady Taehyung, you have been chosen as an applicable bride for the crown prince", Yoongi stated handing out a contract to him.

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