Chapter 10: Regrets

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You woke-up on your couch, 'what happened ?' you asked yourself. You sat down and looked around

-Enfin reveillé ?  a french voice asked behind you. You looked in her direction, she was sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in her hands.

-Feel free to make yourself at home, you joked but she doesn't even smile

-What happened ? she coldly asked

-I..hum...Idon't know, you lied, looking at the ground

-Well it better not happen again or else I will have to report to Reaper,she stood up and leave without another glance in your direction.

You rubbed your hands on your face, flashs of what happened yesterday came back before your eyes.

-Why did you kill me, you quickly turned around, but there was nothing... you were alone, sitting in the dark with only your guilt and the faces of all the people you've killed in your head, haunting your nights and days.


I was still thinking about what happened at the museum. Why did he reacted like that ? Isn't he used to kill people ? I wanted to learn more about him so I headed to Winston's laboratory

-Wiston love can I enter ?

-Yeah Lena come in, I opened the door and walked next to him, What do you want ?

-You know Werewolf, the guy from yesterday, I was wondering if you had any idea of what happened ?

There was a moment of silence, I could feel that he didn't wanted to talk about that but he still typed something on is computer and once more the file of the man opened in front of my eyes.

-Werewolf,also known as (y/n) (l/n), is an experimentale human being that has been modified. We don't have much information on him, we don't know where he is from or if there are more people like him. Yesterday, he must have had a panick attack or something. I don't know what they did to him.

-That's horrible , I said, mouth wide open, who would do this ? And I thought he was some sort of psychopath

-I know but we can't do anything for him. He's a lost cause. Well we should head out to the dining hall, it's almost time for lunch, he said while walking to the door. I took a last glance at the image of them masked man and followed Winston out.


It's  beena week since the insidant at the museum but you felt like it was yesterday. Since then your flashbacks happened more often and your nightmares were just getting worst and worst, to the point that you were scared to go to sleep. Well of course you didn't say anything toWidowmaker or Reaper. You were even more scrared that they will reset your or worst break the contract.

You get up from the sofa. You had spend most of the night sitting there watchingTV and drinking a ton of coffee to force yourself awake. Sure you were tired and you knew you wouldn't be able to keep going like that but did you really have a choice ? And for the moment nobody noticed something so you'll try this way as long as possible. After all, you had to face the consequences of your actions.

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