7. Couch conversation

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I walked in and greeted Brendon with a warm smile.
-Hello there, how was your day?  -isn't he cute? He asks me about my day. But I take it cool, don't overreact. -
-It was fine...  Except the school part...
-I get it...  And actualy I kind of missed the lunchbreak fun together...
-Yeah,  me too...
-Don't get me wrong, I felt I can be myself with you.  Not the teacher...  Just me, Brendon.
-It's great,  but to be honest I couldn't lose up enirely,   becouse I haven't found out wether you're realy a friend of mine. I find hard to trust in anybody. A few years ago one of my frens stabbed me in the back...  It was painful and since then I'm realy careful with people...  I'm realy insecure too... Mostly about my body and such things... I often have bad thoughts. I push away people. So I'm like a cactus..
-Actualy you're a cute cactus.  And if you ever feel alone or have bad thoughts.. You can just call me anytime..  Even at night!
-Ha.. Thanks,  but Mrs.UrieToBe won't be mad at you if you will get calls at night from your students? Or you offer this only for me?
-Ha. There's NO Mrs.UrieToBe!  So she won't be mad at me..  And yeah this is an exclusive offer, only for you. As a teacher I shouldn't pick favourites, but...
-Thanks, realy.  I just can't wait to be home and just be alone in my room,  with my music.
-Same here...  Except the fact that everything is in boxes at home, becouse I'm moving here to be closer to this hellhole. I found a nice house not far from here, but I'm not sure if I will like the outskirt life or not.  I was always a downtown-guy... 
-It's not that bad. I mean it's peaceful.  If you were still searching I would say my neighbours moved away so the house is empty,  but I guess it's late.
-Such a shame...  I would be glad to be your neighbour, but it's a realy nice place.
-I belive...  Well...  I had my costume ideas,  but unfortunately I drank it down with coffee...  So I'll draw it again later.
-Yeah,  realy the ideas.. I almost forgot why you're here...  You mess me up. - and if he knew how he messed me up...  Cutie. -
-I also like to talk with you... 
-You're boyfriend must be mad at me... We've talked a lot in this two days.
-Boyfriend?!  Nahh... I'm the champion of ruining relationships...
-I thought that Josh and you...
-Noooo...  Just best friends, but everybody thinks we're together. Weird..
-Well... You two looks pretty much like a couple and the other thing you said,  you can't be the champion,   becouse I am. My longest relationship was like.. six month or so... And I'm six years older than you.. So I am the champion you talk about.
-Okay you won...  But let's see me six years from now...  Than we can see if I had a longer relationship...  Couse now my record is a month and nine days, but who knows what's coming...
-Okay. Let's just wait.....  Don't you wanna go to the stage?  There's a couch that might be more comfortable than these -he points at the chair under him. - and it's not a lesson so we don't have to act like this...
-Sounds great! - I got my bag and he took a folder from his desk. We walked to the mentioned couch and sat down. He was staring at me with a smile glued on his face. I felt my cheeks heat up, he realised that he's staring and suddenly started to search for something in his folder. I started to talk about my idea. -
-Well... I have an idea,   I think the story could take place after an apocalypse... Maybe...  But if you don't like it just forget what I said.
-Apocalypse.... It's better!  I had the idea of being after a war, but the apocalypse is better! And they separeted to classes like Romeo's family does physical work and Juliette's does white collar work.
-That's sounds great!  Ohh..  the Prince could be the lord commander of the region like he is, the picture of justice. 
-Lord commander?  Do you watch Game of thrones?
-Everybody DOES watch Game of thrones!!
-Nasty... You shouldn't watch that kind of shows. -he was talking in a funny,  bitchy voice, I just laugh a little at his act. Funny guy! -
-Why? What can I see what I haven't?
-I don't know...  By the way I also like the show and your idea too.
-And what do you think of modern music?  Like when the boys decide to go to the ball, they could sing a little bit recreated version of Fish on by Lindemann, becouse that part is exactly about catching ladies. Ohh and when they meet something like Shape of you... and during the first kiss could be Kiss me.....  And.... you are the boss. I think I just shut my mouth.
-No! Don't.  Use your mouth.....  -a minute of silence while we both got what he just said.  I raised a brow and smirked as an idiot and he just sat there, red as a tomato. He is cute.
-Excuse me?!
- I mean...  not like that!
-You know that it's not that easy to convince me...  You just told me to use my mouth... How else can you mean it?
-For talking...  Use your mouth for talking! 
-Yeah...  Sure, I see... I'm just kidding....  I knew how you meant,  I just wanted to make you sweat a little bit.
-A funny girl, aren't you? I let you know, it's not!  If someone would've heard us,  we both would  got in trouble. -I held my pencil to my mouth and bit on the end of it while he was talking. I  think I can be a little provocative,  why not? It's funny. His eyes were glued on my lips, than he shook his head. -Don't do this!
-You know what!
-I don't do anything...  Just chewing on my pencil...  Is it not alowed?
-No, it's not,  expecialy in this way, young lady!
-What do you mean? Does it make you uncomfortable? -I continued doing. I mean it's funny and he doesen't seems like being angry, more like frustrated...  and I'm having fun! -
-Yes it does!  Even if I'm your teacher I'm a man. Men have imagination...  So don't do anything like that,  becouse I'm your goddamn teacher and I can't do things I think about right now!  I  don't even need this job for living, it's just a lowpayed hobby. But I don't wanna disapoint my father. So do me a fawor and don't make me do things I shouldn't.
-Well... If you ask me this kindly, I can't say no.... -he sighed. -
-Ohh... Fuck.  You ruined it!
-What?! -what the actual fuck I did? What did I ruin? Why is the blame is always on me?-
-You ruined the way I look at you!  You were a funny,  awesome girl that I can talk to about every shit in my mind...
-And now? How did I ruin it? Am I not funny anymore?
-It's not that...  I haven't look at you in a sexual way... Like I look at chicks...  You are my student!  I can't look at you like this and don't even mention what I think about...
-That's sucks... But it can't be that hard...  I'm not a big deal.
-Stop it, becouse I don't want to get in a fight about why you are a big deal. I don't know you for long, but you make me wanna know you. And that's it!
-If you say...  I'm not a big fan of myself. Now just let's go back to the topic.  So what do you think about the music?  Do you like my idea?
-Well... I think modern music is good in this, but you said it so fast I haven't heard everything... So if you would repeat it a little slower I'd be glad.
-Well..  Nevermind,  I'll write it together and you decide if you can work with it or it's totaly shity... 
-C'mon,  I'm sure it's not shity! -I waited a little, but than I repeated what I said and he listened to me,  watched me with his big, brown eyes...  I could hardly breath even. I mean, not becouse the fact that he was looking at me... But I just feel something weird about being one on one with him...  Like I shouldn't behave like this with him...  I'm making a fool of myself... Why on Earth would a guy like him like me... Well... He said what he said before,  but it could be just kindness. Waaah!  I hate my insecurity.  -
-I think it's great!  Where do you get your ideas, it's like you have an entire script of this. 
-Nahhhh. In my head there's only an armchair and two monkeys,  the monkeys are fighting over who sits in the armchair. That's describes pretty well the inside of my head... 
-You're so unfair with yourself.  Be nice!  I like Mia and if you talking shit about her I'll kick your ass!
-You...  Like me?  Yeah,  sure.
-Why on Earth would I sit here on this couch with you, if I wasn't like you? I mean it's obvious...
-People don't like me... -I was looking at my hands in my lap and I felt I open up a little.-  They trust me, have fun with me,  maybe love me for a short time.... They hate me,  they use me... But never like me.
-Well...  First. Let me decide wether I like you or not. Second.  We'll work on your self esteem. You're confident,  but girl...  You treats yourself as shit!..... -he was watching me, not just watch, but he was looking right inside me....  Under the cover.  He saw me. I have to go. He went too far.-
-Yeah, right.  Now I gotta go.  -I got my bag and stood up.  He grabed my hand and looked me in the eye. -
-And....  Our Juliette can't be so selfhating.
-You mean...?
-Yeah,  but we do a casting anyways...  You have to prove!  -I jumped in his arms and wrapped my hands around his neck.  I said thank you a million times.  Than I backed away and felt my cheeks heat up. This was the first physical contact between us except a few pushing on the shoulders. And you know what?!  It felt right!  He's muscular arms around me and he smelled amazing. Not the cologne, but his skin.  For a moment I totaly forgot about who we are and where we are, I was just a happy girl, who needed a hug. Unfortunately,  we gotta be out of here. -
-Realy, thank you! I won't disapoint you!
-I'm sure!  Now let's get going...  I need to pack my last things...  Tomorrow I move.
-That's exciting. -we went out of the building, still talking. I walked with him until the corner than I headed home and he went to the parking lot,  said our goodbyes and went on our ways. After a few meters I heard him shouting after me.
-Mia,  wait! -he walked to me and  held out his hand. I was looking at him confused.  -
-Your phone.
-What's with my phone?
-Gimme it,  silly girl!
-Why you need my phone?
-Just give it! -I  handed him my phone and watched him as he were typing. He furrowed his eyebrows.  Few moments later he gave it back. -
-What did you do?
-How can you call me when you don't have my number? Now you have. -I clicked on my contacts and found a new one : TheCoolestTeacherEver😎😸💙-
-Don't like it?
-I'll leave it.
-Than right.  Bye, see you tomorrow.
I walked home and had lunch with mom. I told her what Brendon told me.  She just sat in silence,  than after a minute or so she spoke up.-
-I think... I like him. Cheesy, but... Someone who appreciate my little girl, can't be a bad person.
-You're killin' me... But I go up now,  I have some homework to do...
-Okay honney. -As I rush up the stairs I hear mom shout after me. -
-And I'm sure,  you'll have time to clean a little, nobody would belive, that a girl lives in that disgusting shadow of a room!!!
-Okay.... -in my mind I meant 'I still can see the floor... So I won't. ' I hate cleaning, so I only do it when the mess is too unbearable. Even for me.   Becouse someone wise said: The genius sees through the mess!
I hopped on my bed and picked out my phone from my pocket and search my contacts,  I texted Mel. -
Me: What's up bitch? 😚 need to talk!  -in a few seconds she answered. -
Mybitch 👹😻: bf is comming home tomorrow!!!!  😰👅🙌 come over slut.
Mybitch 👹😻:wherever u want.... U know I don't give a shit...  - I got up and told mom I have to go to Mel, becouse she took my math book I have homework in... So I need to go and get it. I think she didn't belive,  but she let me. So I'm out of the door and heading to her....

Sooooo....  This is all for now lovelies!  I still hope you like it. I want you to know, you can message me if you wanna talk to someone who is a good listener or something...  I like to talk with people. 😸 never too busy to have more frens 😁😁😁
Have a nice day and be happy!  Remember! You. Are. Beautiful!!! 😘😘😘

Bad Teacher.... (Brendon Urie/Josh Dun) Where stories live. Discover now