The Park

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What an incredibly shitty night. Of all the places he could have ended up, in a bed next to Near was no doubt among one of the worst situations Mello could imagine finding himself in. A bed of nails would have been more comfortable. At least then maybe he could get some sleep. Meanwhile, Near, the freakishly smart albino seemed to have no trouble getting rest. His peaceful, sleeping face put a fury in Mello. Stupid jerk. Why should he get to sleep? He should be equally miserable. That would be fair.
Not that anything about this situation was fair.
Earlier that day, Mello was investigating a case he was assigned to by L himself. A once popular park was now eerily vacant due to a story that a ghost child came from the woods and led living children away, never to be seen again.
The ghost part certainly wasn't true- it couldn't be. However, children were truly disappearing. This had gone on for 5 years with no explanation. There was no evidence leading to a kidnapper or the whereabouts of the missing children. No clothes. No bodies. Nothing. It was as if the children disappeared into thin air.
This was a case L could solve easily by his self, no question. Since the park was abandoned for over a year, there was no urgency. It would be a great test for his potential successor to solve this case... but not alone.
Mello sat on a swing, swaying himself lightly while looking around. The park was a bit overgrown by plants that had no upkeep since it's abandonment. The chains on the swings were rusted. The slide had a pool of water collected at the bottom from a recent storm. Woods surrounded the park. Supposedly the ghost child led the missing children into the woods. But how would their parents not notice their children escaping into the trees? The woods were close, but not so close that one could disappear into them in mere moments.
Mello heard the crunch of leaves behind him as someone approached. He turned around quickly and saw something that made his stomach turn.
Near stood only a few feet from him. His hair was messy as usual, which seemed like such a contrast from his neat, white clothing. When he saw Mello's disgusted expression, he took a lock of his hair and twirled it around his index finger.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Mello asked with a slight growl to his voice.
"I'm here to aid in your investigation," Near replied in a calm tone.
Somehow that calmness only helped to anger Mello more.
"I don't need help. Especially not from YOU."
"Well, it seems that you'll be getting it any way. I am here by request of L." Near replied, bringing his hand away from his white hair.
"L?" Mello fumed, "L sent you?"
Near nodded, expressionless.
"Go away. I can do this by myself. You'll only get in my way!" Mello said, rising from the swing.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mello. Now, if you could calm down I would like to begin investigating."
"Don't you dare try to tell me what to do! Look, you're already keeping me from doing my job. Now go, before I make you," threatened Mello.
"Oh? Just how do you plan to do that?" The sarcastic tone of Near's statement was too much. Mello approached his rival and shoved him, knocking him over into the grass.
Mello stared up at him, expression still calm.
Why wasn't he scared? Why did he ALWAYS seem to have it under control?
Near stared up at Mello. He almost seemed amused. A drop of rain landed on his cheek.
Mello looked up as rain started to fall. He looked back down at Near, who was trying to push himself back up. The rain began to come down heavier by the second. When Near was on his feet, the two of them found a canopy to stand under.
The rivals stared out from under the canopy at the sudden storm. For a while, it would have almost been silent if not for the sound of rainfall and the occasional crack of thunder.
"Have you calmed down?" Near asked, breaking the silence.
"...Yeah. I still don't want you around, though." Mello stared out towards the woods.
"I know," Near replied.
They listened a while to the rain's pitter patter on the roof of the canopy and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees.
After some time passed, the storm eased up followed by the rain becoming a drizzle and then nothing.
"Shall we begin our investigation?" Near inquired.
"Sure. Not like there's a choice..."

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