The Hotel

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Mello sighed as he limped against his new crutch into the lobby of the swanky hotel the agency paid for. Much to his dismay, they paid for Near to stay there, too. Sensible, but unfortunate.
The light from the large chandeliers reflected on the shimmery beige tiles. Mello could see his reflection in them. The atmosphere was really nice. Mello would have likely thoroughly enjoyed it had it not been for the cast on his foot and the presence of the brat, who was following all too close behind him.
They approached the lobby desk. Mello received his card key and left Near to worry about himself.
Mello stepped into the elevator and breathed out in relief. Finally, a break from Near...
Mello had a little trouble fumbling with his key card while leaning on his crutch. He was relieved to hear the click of the door unlocking. The room was gorgeous. The furniture was modern-victorian style. Canvas paintings hung from the walls. Even the curtains were very nice. He fell onto the bed and threw his arm over his face. He was flat out exhausted. Any evening with Near would exhaust him, but one spent in a hospital? Dreadful. He didn't even bother changing out of his clothes or even getting under the covers before he began to drift off to sleep.
Just as Mello was almost fast asleep, the sound of his door unlocking jolted him awake. He sat up fast, bumping his foot into the bed frame by doing so. He groaned through clenched teeth. Whoever was unlocking his door was about to regret it- big time.
When he saw who came through the door he was almost certain he hadn't woken up and he was experiencing what could only be described as a nightmare. Near stared into the room in confusion, his luggage by his side.
"What are you doing in my room?" Mello growled.
Near looked at his key card and then at the number on the door. "No, this is my room,"
"Then how the fuck do you suppose I ended up in here?"
"I'm unsure..."
"Ugh. For fucks sake... I'm calling Roger," Mello reached into his pocket for his phone.
"No, I'll do it. Yelling at him will solve nothing."
"Who says I'm gonna yell?"
Mello sighed and tossed his phone to Near. Near dialed up Roger and waited for a response.
"Hello?" Roger answered.
"Good evening Roger. This is Near speaking,"
"Ah, yes. Are you settling in alright?"
"Well, that's what I'm calling about. It seems there's been some sort of mistake involving our rooms..."
"A mistake? What do you mean?"
"It seems only one room was booked,"
"...Oh. One moment, please,"
Near waited patiently while Mello tapped his nails against the bedside desk.
"Near? It seems that this is no mistake. L booked your room,"
Mello looked up, bug eyed.
"He did, however, ask me to apologize for there being only one bed. That was a mistake. I hope you too can settle on something for tonight. We are unable to change the situation until tomorrow."
"I see. Thank you, Roger. Have a good night," Near hung up and returned Mello's phone.
"Great, so now what?" Mello grumbled.
"I suppose we will have to share a bed tonight,"
"No. No! Hell no. Absolutely not," Mello said in a raised voice.
"Well, we don't really have a choice. Besides, now I can help you if you need it," Near replied in a calm tone, almost as if to calm Mello, too.
"Ugh. I don't want or need your help. The best way you could help me is by going away so I don't have to look at your face anymore!" Mello hissed. If calming Mello had been Nears intention, he failed.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm very tired. I'm going to go to sleep. You can run away if you want to," Near smirked, "not that you'll get very far,"
"I hate you."
"I know."
Near climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up for Mello. After Near settled in, Mello finally scooted back and got under the comforter, but not the sheet. He needed something to buffer the space between he and Near.
There they were, in the nightmarish situation Mello found himself in. Despite the harshness he felt, he fell asleep in spite of himself.

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