
6 1 0


Go away


Let me get my beauty sleep


Dear lord have mercy


Kill me


I open my eyes to see my lovely roommate jumping up and down on my bed. Like a monkey

"What in the heavens do you want"

And now she lies down on the vacant part of my bed, starring directly at me.

"Adi, I'm hungry", she says not aware of the tiny sliver of sleep I had gotten last night

But that doesn't stop her eyes from shining ever so brightly.

After much calibration and an almost awkward silence, I rolled over, ignoring her persistent behavior.

"Adi!" she says in disbelief.

"Why can't you cook today?" I know that I'd agree to do the cooking when we moved in but that doesn't mean I took away your ability to cook, woman.

"It doesn't taste the same. Plus you haven't cooked in a long time" a hesitant pause.

"I miss your cooking" my back is still turned towards her, yet somehow I know the exact face shes pulling right now. The only way I can somewhat explain her expression is a puppy that hasn't been pet by their owner on that particular day.

I rolled back, now facing her. I starred at her for awhile, a comfortable silence if I were to say. But then again that's the opinion of my silent loving self, for all I know this might be a highly awkward situation in her perspective. She is an film student after all.

I smiled, both because of her innocent gesture and the thought that we are polar opposites.

"What do you want" I finally say

"Eggs sound good", her smile returning to her face.

"Egg-cellent choice" I respond as I got out of bed.

She slapped me on the back as we walked towards the kitchen.

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