16 || Truthful Lies

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"Why are you doing this to me?!"

"I can't take this endless suffering!"


"Let me die"


Yoongi P.O.V

Seeing Namjoon in this state, possessed just like Taehyung was actually becoming a real nightmare this time.

Those words he said made me fill up with adrenaline, his eyes dilating and changing into different dark colours, sort of like an hallucination.


"Are you going to come with me?"

I stood there once again, my feet frozen like ice, Jimin and Jungkook whimpering behind me as Namjoon takes a step closer, his pale skin illuminating like crystals.

But subtle.

"Where will you take me-"

He grabbed my neck in an instant, his long fingers strangling my small neck, crushing me slowly as his eyes stare intensely into mine.

"No fucking questions. Just do as you're told!"

"Hoseok will enjoy breaking you."

Jungkook and Jimin stared in awe, not moving a muscle as Namjoon strangles me harder and harder.

Jin crying.

"Let him go."

A voice emerges, similar to Hoseok's but less demonic.

"That's an ORDER!"

His body appears with some sort of glow, making him appear from within it.

Namjoon lets go of my neck, letting me to fall to the hard ground, Jimin and Jungkook leaning over me, holding me up as I uncontrollably cough up blood, splattering everywhere.

"Go back to your dimension. You will understand when you get there."

Hoseok orders, Namjoon disappearing in an instant as Hoseok clicks his fingers lightly, taking a sigh of relief.


"Don't fucking speak to me you fucking freak."

"Why are you helping us if you don't even want us to be alive?"

"I'm different. You need to understand." He explains, his eyes innocent, his face soft and cute, never like what he was before.

"Don't even try to manipulate us all. It won't work." I say, getting up, wiping the blood from my mouth, holding my neck softly as I face him.

"Is this what you want to see! 4 People trying to find out who you are and you try to possess us and try to kill us! What kind of person are you?!"

"Because im dead Yoongi. You don't know the real me."

"I've been through hell too."

Hoseok P.O.V

"You need to hear me out, we can get out of here, I just need to explain."


"This is hard for me to say."

"Spit it out!" Yoongi shouts, Jin standing behind him, staring at me strangely, but curiously.

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