Isn't That John's Sweater?

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John and Jim were that couples that nobody knew were together. They weren't really big on PDA. They couldn't be because of somebody named Jack. However, in the safety of there room, that was another story. Always engaging in lazy kisses and cuddles. Always desperate for some form of skin to skin contact. Which lead to some frantic mornings.

This just so happened to be one of those mornings.

Jenny had called to inform them breakfast was ready. Both had quickly pulled away from each other and cussed slightly over the fact they had overslept. They normally were the ones who were up. Read again because of Jack. Scrambling to get clothes on before the Troublemakers took it upon themselves to get them. Jim quickly tossed a pair of pants to John. John gave him a perplexed look.

"They are your favorite and I could tell you were looking for them, " Jim quickly clarified as he tugged a shirt on. John smiled softly and quickly leaned forward giving his boyfriend a quick kiss.

"Thank you, chéri (darling)." Jim simple hummed in response. Flushing red at the pet name. Turning serious this time he spoke up.

"If we leave now I believe we can convince the kids we ran into one another and started walking together."

"—or we could threaten to ground them."

"We both know that won't do anything." John sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I know but it was worth a shot." With that, both of them stepped out of the room. They just made it to the flight of stairs when the Troublemakers made there appearance. Abby lost in thought looked up and cried out in shock. Very nearly tripping backwards down the stairs.

"I don't get why— GAH!" Nat who was the nearest to her quickly grabbed her arm. Belen furrowed her eyebrows and opened her mouth.

"Hey, why—"

"BELEN!" Abby quickly interrupted her. Belen frowned and Abby whispered something in her ear. So pulled back and gave her friend a realistic look. Abby nodded her head excitedly. Hope shining in her eyes.

"Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase?" A sigh from Belen.



"What are you talking about girls?" John carefully inquired. Unsure if he really wanted to know the answer. Jim braved himself to dodge, something.

"Nothing bad. I swear. Come on we're hungry," Belen informs them casually waving off the concern. Wanting to press the issue but knowing better. John and Jim exchanged a look and shrugged. The other occupants of the house were already there. It's Ryan who breaks the silence and calls attention to what exactly Belen had seen.

"Hello— Jim? Why are you wearing John's sweater?"

D—it. Jim knew that the sweater felt too big! John was taller than him and had more defined muscles. John goes tense but years of practice has him trained to keep his face impassive. Jack narrows his eyes and stands up abandoning his toast. Jim mentally groans.

"That is John's shirt. What is going on?" Jack was highly suspicious now. Not a good thing. At all. What was a good way to lie his way out of his Jim thought? Did he want to say he was in a relationship with John? Hell, yes but he much perfected his boyfriend alive. Maybe Jim could have grabbed the wrong clothes? John answers the question for him.

"Yeah, actually there is, Jim and I are in a relationship. Have been for about three months now. We must have mixed stuff up this morning."

"Three months?" Jack was eerily calm. To calm right now. Jim silently wished his brother was cussing up a storm right now. At least then that was normal, but this? Jim had no clue what was going on his brothers head. Jenny is slowly corralling everybody else outside the room.

"Three months. Three seconds."


"I'm giving you a three-second head start and then I'm coming after you."

"Jack! Don't!" Jim cries out warningly to his brother. John was already creeping back to the door.

"One." John's hand is on the door now.

"Two." He was out the door now. Jack was shaking. Jim carefully tried to appease the tension in the room.

"Three." Jim can't see John now. There's a beat and now Jack's chasing. Jim cries out and chases after his brother. He definitely was going to have to stop a homicide from happening. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Abby and Belen laughing.

So they knew? He really should t be surprised actually but they were having a serious talk when they get back.

A/N: First one's done! BelyMichi owns Belen! I just love to write her a lot. I love overprotective brothers. Next chapter should be Sick Of Losing Soulmates a Jalice one-shot. It's a karaokenight in the house and Jenny's singing Dodie. 😊 Please comment and vote! I love writing overprotective Jack. All grammar mistakes are mine. I love you all!

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