Don't. You. Dare! Jalice

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A/N: Header of this chapter is Jenny's outfit and above is Alice's

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A/N: Header of this chapter is Jenny's outfit and above is Alice's. Overprotective Alice. Homophobia. Please, don't read if you can't handle this things. BelyMichi requested this on Tumble and her I am delivering :). I hope you all like this comment and vote please!

Jenny and Alice rarely had a chance to go on dates. Granted hardly any of the 'parents' had a chance to go on dates. The kids taking up most of their time. However, it seemed to particularly resonate with Jenny and Alice. One couldn't quite be sure why. Maybe it was because of all the work Jenny had done in the house, being everybody's primary caretaker. Or, maybe because Ryan's sheer adamance of only looking after his niece (and occasionally Abby. Who had somehow worked her way in.) citing that everybody else wasn't his problem. Besides Abby and Belen were quite the handful. Even, yet it could be because Jim and John were such disaster gays.

Whatever the reason, rate date nights became even rarer. Out in Witchbridge, the two had a pleasant evening. A nice dinner date and we're finishing it off my leisurely strolling through the park (does Witchbridge even have a park? It does now. Screw Canon. Not really, I love the game too much.).

"This is nice Ally!" (ASHER, what's your GD obsession with Jenny calling Alice, Ally?! LEMME LIVE MY LIFE!)

Alice turned and looked at her dazzling girlfriend. Jenny smiled sweetly at her and looked amazing in the short sleeve blue blouse and the grey skirt. Her hair falling in slight ringlets around her. She shyly brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Alice shifted slightly and smoothed her skirt down. Of cours,e that's when things decided to go downhill. (Come on Alice, did you really expect the evening to go nice? Y'all are magnets for disaster.)

Jenny wasn't paying attention, to where she was going and accidentally runs into someone. She gasps slightly in alarm.

"OH! I am so sorry! I was talking to my girlfriend!" The person (a woman), she had run into. Turns sharply and raises her hand slightly. Her lips parted in a sneer.

"Watch where you're going! How stupid are you?!" Alice fees anger bubble under her skin. Without thinking, she snaps back.

"Can you possible chill? She apologized! You don't have to be rude." The woman turns to Alice and her face twist like she had swallowed a lemon.

"I was having a nice evening until you fags showed up! The nerve of you two! Going out in public, where children can see?" Jenny's eyes flash angrily. She draws up to her full height (a solid five foot three inches, not very intimidating) and levels the woman with a glare (now that was intimidating).

"You have no right to say if we can go out in public! You're a disgusting woman and need to re-evaluate your life! I regret apologizing to you! We've done nothing wrong but your still calling us derogatory terms. Your the real issue." The woman clear, of having enough of Jenny raises her hand back and makes a move to strike Jenny. Alice daintily catches her wrist.

"You shouldn't do that, and you'll back off if you know what's good for you." She informs the woman icely. With a hint of steal in her voice. Her grip on the wrist fighting with each word. The woman blanches and quickly gets out of Alice's hold, leaving in a huff. Alice makes sure to call out after her.

"Watch what you say to people, you never know who they're connected to."

Jenny gentle walks over to her girlfriend and kisses her on the check. Wrapping her arms around Alice's body and resting her cheek against Alice's back.

"It's okay my love. You really didn't have to do that."

"I know, I just that woman made me so... angry."

"I know, I was mad too. Were you really going to threaten her?"

"I was going to mention Ryan and John's past but I didn't."

"Thank you."



"I love you, Jenn."

"I love you too Ally."

AN: Ugh, crappy ending but I hope you like this Belen! :) I think it was nice and fluffy. Anyway! Bye love you all! Ugh, bloody grammar checker.

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