Good Luck Returning Me (Jalice)

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A/N: I saw this prompt and it was too cute to pass up. The picture is going up with this. I wanted to write Jalice story with this. It's just too cute not to do. Also according to BBC the legal drinking age in England is 18. Jim is going to be strongly against this.

Timeline: Right after the events of the game but with artistic liberties taking.

Alice full heartedly blamed Jack for the situation she was in. After all, it was Jack who got into Ryan's wine stash and other various alcoholic beverages. Then convinced them all it would be a good idea to indulge themselves. Jim had of course been hesitant. Through the combined efforts of John and Jack, he had agreed. Jim was adamant about not drinking a lot. Just looking out after them. Lord, knows how they would need. Especially with the combination of vodka and tequila Jack had found.

Granted, not everybody in the house had been with them. Abby, Belen, Brenda, Ryan, Isami, Nat, and Lance had all decided not to join them. Or were forced not to join them in some cases (actually it can't really be considered forced if the never knew about the alcoholic beverages in the first place).

Isami really didn't like to drink a whole lot. However, she seemed to encourage their group to get together and do so.

Ryan while a drinker, a heavy one at that. Cited somebody needed to play the adult with Isami. With Bill currently out be was the last option left.

Lance was similar to Isami. He didn't like to drink. Much rather spending his evening with Nat, Abby, and Belen. Everybody was okay with that. Mostly because he was Lance and Lance was Lance. He wouldn't hurt a fly (Besides, Lord knows what would happen if you left the Troublemakers alone without one of its only rational members. Brenda was with Bill. Lance was there only hope)

Abby simple didn't know about the alcohol. If she did, however, that would have been another issue entirely. Yes, she was eighteen. Technically legal to drink in England. However, Abby was American and their legal drinking age was twenty-one. Then there was Jim who threw some medical jargon into the mix. To put it simply he was with the twenty-one stance. Not that Abby gave a damn about any of that and it wasn't like anybody in the house followed legal matters if it just so happened to be illegal for Abby to drink. The group didn't like to follow rules after all.

The point was, Abby wanted to try alcohol and the longer the group Kepler her away from alcohol the better.

Belen also didn't know about the alcohol. She feels slightly in the same boat as Abby. Being she had to be twenty years of age before she could legally drink (this is according to my research, and I'm using Wikipedia so... Belen please correct me if I'm wrong).

Except unlike Abby, Belen had no intentions of trying alcohol. It wasn't exactly her thing per say. She took after her aunt for that matter. However, Abby and Belen shared a deep connection and if Belen knew about the alcohol. Abby would know about the alcohol. There were no secrets between those two.

Nat didn't know either. Because then Belen would know. Which would lead to Abby knew and nobody wanted a repeat of New Years. Nobody. Despite Nat's big talk, she couldn't hold her alcohol.

So, that Wednesday night, after Abby announced she was going to bed. With Lance, Nat, and Belen heading up to the Library to talk amongst themselves. Probably, going to try and convince Abby to stay up a bit longer. Jack had pulled the alcohol out. Jim had sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"This is still a terrible idea."

"Jim, we all deserve a chance to relax. This is going to be relaxing," Jenny chides softly. Jim sighed but begrudgingly agreed.

"Fine, fine. Ryan and Isami you are watching the kids?" Ryan rolled his eyes. Brushing of invisible lint and dust. Flicking his wrist he grabbed a hold of Jim's shoulder.

"What part of we got the children is hard to understand Dr.Firewood? They don't need to constantly mother henning over them. Relax and have fun, " Ryan informs him dryly. Making sure to have has much sarcasm in each word as possible. Whilst, also making sure his words weren't drenched in it. It was elegant and had a very Ryan like feel to it (you know a better-than-you attitude). (Ryan, is better than everybody else who am I kidding)

"Even, I don't worry about the kids as much as you do Jim," Jenny informs the older man.

"Have you meet our children?" Jim demands perplexed. Giving them all the 'look'. John sighs and wraps his arms around his boyfriend and nuzzles up to him.

"Easy there chaton. We do deserve this. Ryan and Isami can look out after them."

"I'll say it again you are worrying more than me."

"—and that's saying something," Alice informs Jim. Curled up around her girlfriend (she kinda looked like a giant cat). Jim took a deep breath.

"Fine. Fine. We do deserve this. I'll stop thinking about the kids this one night." (Famous last words)

The others cheered and they finally started there the night. With Ryan and Isami trooping upstairs to keep the kids occupied. Isami to check if Abby had falling asleep. Chances were the others had convinced her to stay up a tad later. If not she would stay close to Abby. They did not want her heading downstairs. (Nat, Belen, Ryan, and Lance alone together what could go wrong? xD)

That had been half an hour ago.

Everything downstairs was absolute chaos now. Jack, who was never able to actually hold his alcohol had restrained his drinking. Was currently one of the few sober ones left. It was Alice, John, and Jack. They weren't completely stone-cold sober of course. Leaning a bit on the tipsy side. Some more so than others. Such has Jack and Alice.

However, they weren't nearly as bad as Jenny and Jim. Who was absolutely wasted. Jenny had disappeared off to the kitchen. Alice really hoped she wasn't trying to cook anything.

Meanwhile, Jim was being incredibly frisky. John was busy trying to fend him off. Really not in the mode of having to deal with a homicidal Jack.

Finally, Jenny returned from the kitchen and she was carrying their marriage certificate? How on earth she got her hands on that was beyond Alice. She frowned and studied her wife.

"Jen, honey, what you doing?" Jenny fumbled for a lighter and slurred the following.

"Good luck returning me without the receipt." Alice was torn between laughing and crying. This had become a very interesting evening. One thing was for sure, they definitely had an interesting story to tell there kids and grandkids.

 One thing was for sure, they definitely had an interesting story to tell there kids and grandkids

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A/N: Woah! Finished! I don't own anything. This was really fun to write! Belen, I'm working on that one request. This is becoming a one-shot thing. Not exclusively with pairings ;). We're meeting a new character next chapter :).

I'm also doing a Blue Bloods (TV Story) book. Also, I have plans. If Belen gives me permission I have ideas for something else so *puppy dog eyes* Sorry, I am so annoying. Okay, so I legit need to stop rambling. I love you all! Comment, please?

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