Preference Number 1.

How you met.

Nash: You're walking around the mall and you see a cute boy. He can't take he's eyes off you. You start to blush as you look away. You look back and he's gone. You walk over to the bench and sit down wondering where he went. You pull out your phone to see if you have any message. You feel a tap on your shoulder. "Hey I'm Nash." he says to you "Hi I'm (Y/N)".

Cameron: You're at your beach house. About to walk down to the beach shore. You see an extremely cute guy. You can't take your eyes off of him. When you down at the shore you tap your toes in the water to see if it's warm or not. it's a little warm so you think you'll take a swim. When your in the water the guy swims up next to you. "I'm Cameron and can i have you're number?" you blush "Sure." you say and he was the biggest smile on his face.

Hayes: You're mom drops you, your brother and he's friends off at the arcade. You being the only girl with you brother and he's friends you left out. You ditch them and go do there own thing. You sit down getting ready to play a racing game and a boy your age sits down next to you. You look at him and he smiles. You smile back. Since he's sitting at the racing game next to you. You guys race. He gets first and you get secound. After the game was over you get up to go to another game. you walk away. He gets up and runs after you. "I'm Hayes." "Hey , I'm (Y/N)" you too instant hit it off!

Matthew: You knew to school. You're walking to class alone. Suddenly you get shoved and you fall to the ground. You look up and it's some random guy recording a video in his phone. "Omg I'm so sorry i though you were someone else. Gosh I'm so sorry." "It's fine, seriously.. it is." you say assuring him you're fine. "No it's not a just shoved a beautiful girl to the ground." you blush "My names Matthew but you can call me Matt." he says introducing himself. "Well Matt I'm (Y/N)"

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