I think the first chapter was decent but this one will probably be better. I think that I'll make three parts to this story (like a normal Wings of Fire book), and I'll use a certain number of chapters for each part. I'll probably do 3-7 depending on how long the next few chapters are. Thanks for reading le message.
Anemone walked into the prey center with Sepia and Turtle at her side. They had decided to invite Kinkajou and Tamarin to swim with them after they had eaten breakfast. Turtle went up to one of the bowls of fruit that were lined up against one of the cave walls. He reached in and took out three reddish looking mangoes. Anemone folded her wings in so she could step around Sepia and get to the plate of roasted salmon. It looked delicious. She grabbed two fish with her talons and brought them to the table that Turtle was now sitting at.
"How come you like fruit so much? Usually only RainWings like fruit." she told him while starting to eat my salmon. Then her mind went elsewhere and started thinking about a certain very specific RainWing AGAIN.
"Ugh." she said, rubbing her forehead with her talons. Turtle glanced up at her, and he seemed to notice that something was wrong.
"Are you okay?" He asked with a mouthful of mango.
"I'm... well yes, but... we can talk after we go swimming." She stated with a blank look on her face, trying not give any of her emotions away.
"Alright." Turtle said, going back to eating his mango, but occasionally looking up at her to see if she was okay. That was something she liked about her brother, he seemed to care about you if something was wrong. It was also annoying, because soon Sepia noticed Turtle looking at her, and then she thought something was wrong as well. When the three of them had finished our meals, they walked out of the cave into the hallway that led straight to art cave, where they thought Kinkajou or Tamarin might be. Suddenly Anemone's stomach felt weird, and she started to walk more slowly. Random new thoughts were circling through her head now, should she be doing this? Should she be inviting the RainWings? Should she invite TAMARIN SPECIFICALLY? But she didn't have any more time to think, because Sepia had spotted the entrance to the art cave and was walking into it at that moment. Her stomach suddenly decided to have another seizure, and it felt like butterflies were attacking it from the inside. She slowly poked her head inside the art cave, only to see Sepia talking casually with Kinkajou and another MudWing. A wave of relief washed over her... but it wasn't exactly relief, it was... disappointment? Why in Phyrria would she be DISAPPOINTED? The random butterflies in her stomach were GONE. She should be HAPPY about that. She needed to get her weirdo feelings together if she ever wanted to be a normal Dragon again. So she took a deep breath and walked over to Kinkajou, with Turtle following behind her. Then she remembered the spell that she'd put on Kinkajou only a couple of months ago. She had enchanted Kinkajou to like Turtle, because she was ABSOLUTELY sure that her brother liked Kinkajou. She was only trying to help Turtle, but as soon as they both found out about it, they decided to go insane on her and tell her to NEVER use magic on any dragon ever again EVER. She cleared her throat.
"Um... Kinkajou. Sepia probably already asked you, but... I wanted to invite you to come swimming with us. If you want to or whatever." Kinkajou's grin immediately got wider and her scales started to turn pink, which Anemone guessed was the RainWing color for happy, which she only knew because she had spent time with Tamarin and some of her RainWing friends. She was immediately confused by this thought, but before she could even say "ugh" Kinkajou began to talk quickly.
"Of COURSE I want to go swimming with you guys. Oooh Sepia, how long can MudWings hold their breath? Starlight told me that you guys could do it for almost a WHOLE HOUR. But that's impossible since you don't have gills right? Do you? Turtle you're a SeaWing so you have gills and you know what that look like, does Sepia have gills? Hey Anemone I'll race you down the hall! NO CHEATING WITH SPELLS THOUGH!" Kinkajou yelled as she ran out of the art cave. Anemone grinned. It seemed like Kinkajou had finally forgiven her. She ran out of the cave only to collide with another dragon that was entering the cave. Next, Turtle and Sepia came sprinting out and crashed into Anemone and the other dragon, they all tried to get up at once and everything was a mess of wings and talons. When she saw the face of the dragon that she'd crashed into, it made everything a thousand times worse. It was Tamarin.
RomanceWoF fans UNITE. Here's a random piece about Anemone, Tamarin (hehe, yep), Turtle, and Kinkajou. (And of course Tsunami makes an appearance as well. Cuz comedy.) So yeah, don't read this if you haven't read the WoF book Darkness of Dragons, or some o...