Myrrglosch's Story- Prologue

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Frostbite knew she wasn't safe traveling alone in NightWing and SkyWing territory, not to mention the fact that NightWings and SkyWings weren't the only thing you had to worry about in these older parts of the mountains. Falling rocks, avalanches, and tunnels in cliffs that were too narrow to spread your own wings in, but despite all the dangers, she had to keep going. After all, she was nearly to her destination. As she landed, she stopped and looked up at the night sky above her, with the two moons shining high in the sky and the constellation that the tribes called the Great Star Dragon clawing its way across the heavens. ​'Great Dragon in the Heavens, if I die here, please make it quick.'​ she shook the thought away, as she squeezed through a narrow crevice and as she emerged, she saw them. The dragons were both SandWings, one around her age, and the other full grown. They both had cloaks on, but the younger of the two's cloak was black and the adult's was tannish-brown. The adult wore horn covers that were made of silver. He also had a rather beat up copper colored crest, a scar on the left side of his snout, an elegantly crafted nose ring, and several gold rings on his wings and his claws. The younger of the two had no jewelry on whatsoever, but he also wore horn covers, and his were made of gold. He also had on a distractingly fancy gold fin cover. She approached hesitantly. ​'That must be Saguaro and his son Fennec.' she thought nervously. The younger dragon seemed to be completely covered in black cloth except for his head, which was a light, sandy, goldish-tan. The adult stepped forward and and spoke. " Frostbite, so glad you found us." his voice had a calm, almost soothing lilt to it, that made her calm down and stop being so nervous. "I am Saguaro, leader of the PeaceWings, and this," he said, gesturing towards the dragonet, "Is my son, Fennec. I don't know if your father ever told you this, but we have actually met before. You were much younger then,... probably only two years old at most." he said. Frostbite nodded. "I think I remember playing with your son." she said, feeling herself relax. 'That's right, Frostbite. Just stay calm and cool, Calm and cool. They aren't going to attack you.' ​"Yes." Saguaro said, " You had so much fun together. Your father and I used to have to physically pull you away from each other. You both loved to tussle." Fennec dropped his gaze, and lowered his head, seeming almost embarrassed. Frostbite laughed, then looked down at her talons. "Ah... I heard what happened to your father. I also heard about the thing that killed him. It was Mountain Goat's son, wasn't it?" Saguaro asked. "Yes. His name was Myrrglosch, but he wasn't a monster. He was my friend, my friend who was being torn in two by a curse... one that my mother placed on him before she disappeared." The memories of what had happened in the Ice Kingdom made her shiver. "So... your mother did truly curse his egg. How..." Saguaro paused, as if searching for the right words to use. "Tell me Frostbite, what became of this cursed dragonet?" "Oh, you don't know? I just assumed that your group of followers heard everything." she replied, rather surprised. '​Wow, they really have been hiding in fear.' Fennec stepped forward and growled, "Listen here, you little-" before he could finish, Saguaro interrupted and said "Hush,son." Fennec stopped. "We have heard many rumors of this creature's death, but some still say that he walks our war- torn lands." Frostbite sighed. "Let me put an end to the rumors. Myrrglosch is dead." Both of the SandWings stared at her, waiting for some sort of proof. She closed her eyes. "I... killed him." Saguaro's jaw dropped. "YOU... killed him?" he asked, shock etched on every single part of his face. "It wasn't anything grand. I just pushed him." "Ah, I see!" the shock was erased. "It is a relief that he cannot cause anyone anymore harm." Fennec stepped forward, sliding his claws against the ground. "You got a problem, Golden Crest?" She mocked, 'You don't scare me, you horrid creep!' "I don't believe you!" Fennec hissed. Saguaro attempted to stop him, but Fennec pushed past. "Fennec!" he roared. "Shut up!" Fennec snapped. Then he growled, "You have no proof, you little snit!" as he said it, he spit on her. Saguaro grabbed him, and hissed something violently into Fennec's ear. Fennec stopped. "I apologize. I have obviously failed with him somewhere." Saguaro said. "Now dear child of the tribe leader Iceberg and the Vehement Visionseeker, what proof do you have?" "I may not possess all the powers of a Vehement dragon, but I do still have one power. When dragons I know die... I gain all of their memories." Frostbite said. "You have the Sight of the Dead?" Saguaro asked. There was a glint in his eyes, like he was plotting something. "Tell us of Myrrglosch, then!" Fennec growled, still struggling against his father's grip. "Quiet you!" Saguaro growled. "However, I do agree with my son on this. Tell me of how this all came to be." 'If this is what it takes, why not?'she thought. "All right. Let me see..." She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and said "Myrrglosch." When she opened her eyes, they were glowing a fiery orange red color, like lava. Then she began to speak.

(If you're having trouble pronouncing Myrrglosch's name, you can pronounce it like this: Myrr-Glosk)(Hope that helps!)

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