Myrrglosch's Story Part 3- Obtaining Vengeance

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Chapter 15:


Frostbite blinked the Sight away and looked the tribe leaders over. '​They all know that I know now.'​ All of them seemed shocked, but before anyone could say anything, they all heard a loud thud, followed by an unsettling crunch, which was followed by Fennec screaming. Everyone looked to the balcony, where the sound had come from, and Saguaro stood up, looking concerned. "Fennec?" Then everyone heard a rough, screeching sound, like metal scraping on the floor, a growl, then a loud clang and a splash, silencing Fennec's screams. Saguaro fell off his throne, landed hard, and got up again, shaking all over. "Fennec?... Son?" He rushed towards the balcony but froze as a hooded, rusty red dragon with black rock-like skin on his neck and embers rising from his scales walked through the balcony curtain with the sound of dragging metal behind him. All the tribe leaders gasped, and Frostbite couldn't help but smile. '​Right on time.'​ The dragon looked up and gazed at all the leaders with dead white eyes. "Hello, leaders of the PeaceWings. I am Myrrglosch. I've waited a whole year just for this moment. I do hope you enjoyed hearing the Vehement tell my story... but I'm afraid this is this end... for most of you." Myrrglosch wore a brown hood, along with a leather harness that was attached to metal wing bones. He had a metal blade on the end of his snout, and and metal shin guards on his legs, both front and back of all four legs. He also wore a large bloody axe hammer on the end of his tail. Saguaro turned pale. "No... what have done to my son?" Myrrglosch laughed uncaringly, "Nothing he didn't deserve...but, no worries... you'll be joining him soon enough since you walked the same path. The one that was dangerous. But before I do that, I suppose I'll have to commend you for hiding your son in plain sight." He tossed the gold horn and fin covers at Saguaro's feet. "With these gold horn and crest covers, no one would ever suspect Fennec of being the Masked Dragon... Those covers hid the fact the Fennec had no crest or horns, evidence that either you made him cut them off, or you cut them off yourself. In doing so, Fennec could appear to be from all the different tribes and no one would ever look at the map and be able to link him back here." Saguaro gulped. "Please... let me see my son." "Oh, as you wish..." Myrrglosch said, stepping to the side to let the SandWing get to the balcony. Suddenly, they heard Saguaro begin to scream and sob. Frostbite stepped off of the IceWing throne, and stood next to the deformed SkyWing. "I'm so glad you're here again." she whispered in his ear. "Me, too." he said back. "Well, now, I'm very happy to see that my Vehement power of Persuasion has kept you all here. It would have tedious if we had had to hunt you all down..." She noticed that Cyclone frowned at her and looked away. '​Cyclone...'​ Ogre slammed his talons down and hissed, "You told us that this Cursed freak was dead! You... you lied to all of us!" He lashed his tail angrily. Cyclone lifted a talon. "Technically he ​was ​dead... she simply bent the truth a little bit. She's definitely Iceberg and Visionseeker's child." "That's not all, though!" Ogre snarled. "She didn't say the she had other Vehement powers!" Frostbite rolled her eyes. "That's because I was being honest. So stop being stupid." She turned to Cyclone. "Cyclone, in all the memories I have, I see no reason why you should pay for these other dragon's selfishness. You don't deserve to die. So please, go now." Cyclone stood up and said, "Thank you. It has been an honor to know you... Frostbite." The SeaWing bowed humbly and walked quickly down the hallway. Ogre scowled. "Why does he get to go and I don't?!" He stepped off the throne. "I don't have to put up with this!" Frostbite growled angrily and said, "Sit, you!" The MudWing leader sat back down ​subserviently. "I want to leave, too!" he whined. "Yes, you may, but first, Myrr has something for you. I think you'll like what he's about to give you." Frostbite said. '​He deserves this.' ​"Be a good boy and sit still. This is for my father, who ​you ​murdered." Myrrglosch said. He slammed his already bloody axe into the MudWing's head with a loud ​CRACK​! The MudWing's head split in two. Myrrglosch sighed. He slid the axe out of the MudWing's head and growled, "One more." "Yes." Frostbite replied. '​It's about time Saguaro payed for the lives he ruined and the deaths he caused.' ​The two dragons stepped out onto the balcony where Saguaro was still crying over his son's body. Suddenly, Myrrglosch slammed his tail onto Saguaro's wing and it snapped with a loud ​CRACK.​ The SandWing wailed in agony and fell on his side. "Aaaahhh! My wing...!" he hissed, clutching it. "You two must be really proud of yourselves. Well, congratulations! You killed the only dragon who mattered to me and I don't have anything left! Might as well just kill ME now! Hehehehehe..." Frostbite scoffed, "Seriously, you're pathetic. You used my parents... You killed Myrr's parents... You prevented your son from ever living like a regular dragon, and you only created the PeaceWings to be worshipped above other dragons. You really need to die..." She sat down and glared at him angrily. "But first, I'm going to tell you the rest of the story... because I know how much you'll like it." She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they were glowing a bright neon blue. She began to speak. ______________________________________________________________________________
When Frostbite came back down the mountain, the blizzard had mostly cleared. She searched for the place that the cliff had collapsed at. After a few minutes of searching, she found it. Just ahead, she saw Myrrglosch lying on his side, covered in bright red snow. "Myrr... no." she said, rushing over, beginning to cry all over again. "Myrr... I'm so sorry that... I wasn't there to save you... just like I wasn't there to save Charybdis... I'm sorry I just watched as you fell... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She pulled him out of the snow, and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry..." '​I don't want to be alone again.' ​she thought. Then she heard her mother's voice in her head, like her mother was standing right by her speaking into her ear. '​I curse these two dragonets... this hybrid of my blood shall not gain any other powers except for the Sight, so that she may see the reasons behind other's actions. This SkyWing of the blood I hate... is cursed to deformity from birth... due to my hatred of his father... he will fail at everything he does... and if he begins to HATE... he will slowly turn into the monster I believe he will be... from the inside out... Until my blood can forgive the blood of the dragon I HATE... this curse shall remain...' ​Frostbite's middle horn began to glow bright yellow. "I have forgiven the blood I hate... Our curse is lifted..." she whispered. She began to see light glowing between the cracks in Myrr's scales and the rock- like skin on his neck. "Myrrglosch..." The SkyWing opened his eyes and began to cough. "Frostbite, you're here... I feel... cold..." He coughed again. "And strange." "Yeah." Frostbite replied, feeling a little tingly. "Myrr... the curse... it's broken."

She sighed, blinking the Sight away, and said, "There you go. Myrrglosch and I are powerful dragons that refuse to be used by others." "Oh, hehehehehehe, what a touching story!" Saguaro laughed mockingly. "The newly independent dragons then sought revenge on those who wronged them! The End! Hehehehehehehe. You're right, it'll be the most amazing story in the history of this continent! Hahahahahaha... don't kid yourselves... you're just as pathetic as me! Might as well kill ME now! Hehehehehehe." His tail arched up towards Frostbite's heart, but as it did, Myrrglosch slammed his axe down onto Saguaro's tail, cutting half of it off, and causing the SandWing to howl in agony. Myrrglosch didn't waste another second, then. He slammed the hammer on his tail into Saguaro's snout, smashing it with a loud ​CRACK.​ Then, he continued to slam the hammer into Saguaro's head until the SandWing's face was reduced to nothing but a pile of bloody mush. '​That was close... thank the Great Star Dragon that it's over.' ​Myrrglosch dropped his bloody tail and caught his breath. The two dragons sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun set over the mountains. Then he sighed and said, "I'm tired." He looked off into the distance, no doubt thinking about his brother, parents, Coyote, Charybdis, and Iceberg. His expression went hard for a brief moment, then it vanished. "So, where do you think two dragons who are supposedly dead go after they get revenge?" he asked. "I don't know, Myrr. I don't know." Frostbite replied. "Well," he said, turning to her with a grin. "I suppose we just disappear. But first we find Charybdis." "Yes." Frostbite agreed. "If someone ever wrote a scroll about us, do you think that we would perceived as good or bad?" Myrrglosch asked, still thinking about what Saguaro had said. "I think it would depend on who was writing it. Maybe at first we would be perceived as bad, but then as the dragons read on, they would see that we were sort of good. But to be honest... I don't think we're either." She paused for a moment. "I think that by the end of the story, dragons would realize that we were just two dragons who learned the lesson of 'take what you're given and make the most of it.'" "Yes... I like that. And I think that Charybdis, Raven, my Parents, Coyote, and Iceberg would, too."


1 week later...


"Ready?" Frostbite asked, glancing at him, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Yes." he answered. "Good. Have we got everything?" "Yes." "Are you sure?" "YES!" he roared. "Okay. You know I was just kidding, right?" "Yes." Myrrglosch grumbled. The two dragons lifted off intothe sky, their wings beating rhythmically. They flew on long into the night, throughout the day, and reached a scruffy desert town. "Stop here?" Frostbite asked. "Sure." Myrrglosch replied. She found a small cave on the outskirts that they walked into. It was just big enough for the two of them. Frostbite laid down, yawned, and within seconds, was asleep. He was tired, but for some reason, felt wide awake. He walked outside and looked up at the moons. '​Charybdis...' ​he thought. '​Charybdis... I'm coming. And I can't wait to hold you again.'

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