Chapter 14; Shopping Therapy

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When me and Ali woke up we decided that we should go shopping, to get our minds on something else. So we ate breakfast and got ready. After we got ready we got Lou to drive us to the mall, but not in a limo.. Just a regular car, that everybody else has.

We arrived at the mall fifteen minutes later and the first store we went to was 'forever 21' we shopped a few things, then we went to top shop, where we met some fans, so we took pictures and got their twitter names so that we could follow later.

I wasn't really that known on the internet before I dated Brent, but now that I'm dating him, it's harder to communicate with my fans, but I try my best.

So we finished shopping at top shop, and then we went to the food court and just got some pizza. We sat there a while talking about what stores we wanted to go to before we went home.

"We should get a henna tattoo!" Ali smiled at me.

"A henna? Why?" I asked her laughing at how it came out of the blue.

"I don't know, just wanted something that would be exiting you know?" She answered smirking at me.

I just laughed at her and agreed, so we finished eating, and then she dragged me to get hennas.

I wanted to get a cross on my hand, just because I thought it was pretty, and I got 'forever' on my wrist.

Alissa got a really big flower on her upper arm, and she couldn't stop laughing while the man was doing it.

We finished up at the mall, and decided to call Lou to see if he could pick us up, he couldn't so we have to take a cab home. I know a cab driver som I called him to check if he was working, he was.

So he picked us up and drove us home.


When we got to my house Alissa had to go home to herself. So we said our goodbyes.

I went up to my room to be lazy and waste my time on the internet, after a couple of hours watching Netflix, I got a FaceTime request from Brent, I answered smiling.

"Hey babe" he said smiling.

"Hello there peasant" I said giggling.

"Uhh, I'm hurt" he said with his hand on his chest.

"Chris did you hear that? She called me a peasant" he looked to his side and Chris popped up on the screen.

"You're with Chris! That's not fair, I want to be with you guys" I said making my face look like a angry baby.

"You will soon babe" Brent laughs.

"Yeah yeah, laugh all you want, but I won't give you kisses when you get here" I say smiling proudly by what I said.

"Then maybe I won't come" he teased.

I gasped and had my hands on my chest and said..

"Fine then, do what you want" I said as I turned away from the camera.

"I'm joking babe, seven days until I can see your beautiful face in person" Brent said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, hey, I'll talk to you guys later bye bye" I said giving them air kisses through the screen.

"Ok, I love you, bye" Brent said.

"I love you too" I smiled.

And we hung up.


Holy moley! 400 votes! That's crazy!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Oh, and I just wanted to say, that in three days I think, I'm going to Iceland, so I will be traveling a lot, but I'll write and publish when I get the chance ok?

Thank you guys so so much once again, it means so much too me!

Brent Rivera, Long distance (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now