Chapter 13; Girls night

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Me and Alissa went to the movie room, and watched 'no reservation' I seriously love that movie, well, I love most movies.

When the movie finished we startes talking about all kinds of random stuff.

"So how are you and Brice doing?" I asked her, we haven't talked in forever! Or at least that's how it feels like.

"You know, it's going okay" she smiled, I know they are doing good, because if it wasn't working, Ali would have told me.

"But how's it going with you and Brent? Got five months coming up now? Right?" She asked nudging my knee. I smiled and blushed, looking down on my lap.

"Yeah, we're doing grate, I just hope I get to see I'm in a week or so" I answer her.

She nods and we sit there in silence, not that awkward silence, but we were eating candy, so you know.. Can't really talk with your mouth full of candy!

"You wanna watch 'the vow' or 'magic mike'?" Ali smiled at me holding up the two movies?

"How about we watch 'the vow' first, because I'm gonna cry..." I paused laughing.

"And then watch 'magic mike'?" She finished the sentence for me.

I nodded and she put 'the vow' in.

We cried like babies during the movie, and it was just ridiculous! After that we had a little brake, going to get ice cram from the kitchen.

Then we went back to our places and watched 'magic mike'.

Ali fell asleep during the movie, so I finished it on my own. And when it was done, I went to take a shower and got ready for bed, Ali was lying in my bed, because I would have felt bad if she stayed downstairs the entire night.


Why is somebody yelling at the middle of the night? Like, I'm trying to sleep, geez!

I walked downstairs to where the yelling came from, and I was shocked!

It's me and Brent, but that can't be, I'm standing here in the middle of the stairs! This has to be a nightmare or something!

"Melissa! I just can't do this... I don't love you." Brent said..

We'll that was harsh even if it's a dream. But it's not really Brent, it's a nightmare.

All of the sudden the 'other' Melissa turns to me and says "Wake up Melissa, you need to wake up" she's walking to me, and then she starts shaking me by my shoulders.

I fall out of the bed, crying and my breathing is going fast and not normal.

"Melissa, is everything ok? You woke me up by screaming Brent's name.." She trailed off.

"I don't know Ali.. I.. It was.. He broke up with me.." I said.

"What? I though you said everything was fine" she said shocked.

"No dummy! In the dream.. Or nightmare.. I don't know" I said.

"Geez, you scared me there for a second" she put her hand on her chest and took a long breath out.

"I'm gonna text Brent to see if everything is ok" I said and walked out to the hallway.

To: Brent the bae<3

Hi, I just wanted to tell you I love you, and that I'm never gonna leave you.. And I was also wondering if you were coming here? Love you<3


He called me a minute after I sent the text.

"Hi baby, is everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah.." My voice cracked, and I started to lightly cry again.

"Hey, hey.. What's wrong? What happened, you can tell me, you know that right?" He says to me, trying to relax me.

"I just.. Had a dream.. That.. That you broke up with me.. And told me that you didn't love me.." I cried.

"Melissa, it was just a dream, I'm not going anywhere, yeah we live in different states, but one day, we will be living in a big house, and maybe we will be married, and have kids and a dog.. And maybe even a big lion" he said getting exited.

I laughed at his silliness. I like the thought of that, me and him in the future, I know we're only fifteen, soon to be sixteen. But still.

"Yeah, I like that" I smile.

"I love you Melissa, don't forget that" he said with a serious tone.

"I know, I love you too" I said to him looking down at my nails.

"I love you, but you have to sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow or Wednesday ok? I promise" he said.

"Okay, love you, bye" we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I went back to sleep and slept through out the whole night.


Oh my god, I so pissed, this chapter was totally different, but wattpad deleted it! I'm so mad, so I had to write everything all over again. So it's not that good as it was before, but it's close to what it was before.. I'm sorry, but I'm back, so I can write more! But I will be busy, but every chance I have to write something, I will do it! Love you guys!💕

Brent Rivera, Long distance (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now