Chapter 3

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**Chapter 3**

A white stretch limo was waiting for us when we made it out of the hotel. We piled in excitedly, and the driver did his thing. Harry pressed something on a small remote and the radio turned on. Some song I didn't recognize was just ending; after which  a familiar song started to play. The girls and I had a fan-girl moment before getting really quite. Harry looked like he was going to sing!

"You're insecure,

don't know what for!

You're turnin' heads when you walk through the door.

Don't need makeup

to cover up.

Bein' the way that you are is enough."

Harry stopped abruptly and looked at us quickly, as if urging someone to sing the next part. No else was really paying attention, so I took the initiative and sang Harry's part. "Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you... " The girls finally snapped out of it and all six of us sang the chorus together, taking turns with the solos. When the song was over we all high-fived.

I looked over and noticed that Harry and I had moved closer together at some point; we were practically touching now. I couldn't help but stare at him for a few minutes. He was really here. This was happening. One of my current biggest music inspirations was sitting here, next to me. And he was looking at me. Wait... what? I blushed slightly. Harry smiled. "You guys have awesome voices, I like singing with you," he said. I grinned. "Thanks," we all said together. We did that a lot... Creepy, huh?

The limo pulled up to the side of the building and everyone got out. The girls and I started walking towards the front of the building but Harry stopped us. "Pssst! Don't go that way!" he said in a whisper and when I turned around he was motioning towards the back. It was then that I realized that I could here the voices of most likely thousands of people coming from the front. For a minute I'd forgotten who we were here with. We turned around and jogged to the back of the building to catch up with Harry. He opened a metal door and held it open while we walked in. I thanked him and stopped just inside the door, since I had no idea where we were going. Harry took up the lead again and led us down the hallway to a door labeled Guest Room. "Wait here, we'll be out in a bit," Harry said then disappeared into the room. All of us looked at each other. One Direction's on the other side of that door! This is really happening!

 I moved next to the door and leaned against the wall, pulling out my phone, and turned the power back on. It vibrated two seconds later with a message from my mom. 'Hey, how's it going? Everything alright?' it said. I quickly texted her back. 'More than alright! One Direction is staying in our hotel! In the rooms right next to ours! We're actually with them right now!!!!!' I exchanged my phone for my iPod and plugged in my earbuds; I selected 'Moments' and started to hum along. About halfway through the song, the door opened slowly. A head popped out and looked the opposite way, then slowly turned our direction. It was Louis; he smiled and waved, then was yanked back into the room. Harry came out first, then motioned for the others to come out. The small hallway was crowded with all ten of us trying to stand in the same area. I waved from my spot against the wall. Jessica appeared next to me and was practically shaking with excitement. I gave her a look that I hoped showed something along the lines of 'go crazy on them and you die'. She calmed down a little bit, but just enough not to scream/jump on them. I looked at the others who were just staring at the boys with shy-ish smiles. I sighed. I would have to introduce us, then!

"Nice to meet you guys! I'm Kamaryn, and these crazies are Jessica, Kira, Jaelina, and Kate," I said, smiling widely and pointing to everyone in turn. The guys all said different greetings at the same time and I could barely make out any of it. Then Louis jumped out of the group. "Well what are we waiting for?! Let's gooooooo!" he screamed and ran off. We laughed and ran after him. We chased Lou out onto the big stage where the band was setting up. My mouth dropped open as I looked around. This theater was huge! I'd never been to such a big one, let alone one quite as nice! There was a balcony that stretched all the way around from the left wall to the right. Thousands of red seats were lined up. I walked up to the edge of the stage and just stared out. We would be sitting in the front row in just a couple of hours, looking at this magnificent stage. I'd always been too afraid to perform in front of a bunch of people, and just being here made me wonder what I was missing out on. I suddenly wanted to feel the rush of excitement that you were supposed to get from performing and feel the pride afterwards knowing that I'd done well. I sighed. I would probably never know what that was like.

I felt someone come up and stand beside me. "What are you thinking about?" Jess asked. I looked over at her trying to hide my disappointment. "Oh... nothing important..." I smiled a small smile. She stared at me. "Yeah, right, Kamaryn. I know you! What's wrong?" Dang it! So close! "I guess I just wish I could feel what the guys feel when they get to do stuff like this. It must be really exciting and fun." Jessica smacked me. Ow! "Snap out of it! We're practically experiencing it right now! How many other people get to stay in a hotel right next to five amazing guys like 1D and hang out with them before their concert? Hmm? Not that many, would be my guess!" she exclaimed. I smiled. "You're right. Thanks, Jessica. But I still feel like I'm missing out on something, here." Jessica nodded and hugged me. 

"Everything alright?" a new voice sounded from behind us. We turned around to see Niall standing there somewhat sheepishly. "Yup! Everything's great. Kamaryn was just have a self-realization. Normal day," Jessica replied and grinned at him. I elbowed her and she laughed at me. "Really? What was it?" Niall asked, looking interested. "Oh... um..." I didn't know what to say to that. Did I really want to tell anyone else? I looked at Jess for help. "She was just wondering about how it feels to perform on stage," she offered and I nodded. Niall looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled and ran off yelling at the boys. They stopped talking to my friends and went off stage with Niall. Jaelina, Kira, and Kate looked at us curiously and walked over. "What was all that about?" Jaelina asked. I shook my head. "I'm not sure, but I'm kind of afraid of what they're going to do..."

(Niall's POV)

"Alright, lads! We've got a situation! Y'know those girls I was just talkin' to?" I said. They nodded and I continued. "Well it seems to me that one of 'em has been dreamin' of performing on stage like we do. So I was thinking... maybe the girls could sing with us tonight?" Dead silence. The guys stared at me, then looked at each other. Harry piped up. "I think... That that's a brilliant idea! I heard them all sing on the ride over here. They would be awesome with us!" Silence again. Smiles slowly came across their faces and I grinned. "So it's settled then? They're singin' with us?" I said excitedly. "I believe they are, lads!" Louis said and grabbed my shoulder. "Well, let's go tell them, then!" Harry said and we ran back onto the stage towards the girls.

They turned around to look at us as we approached. I stopped a few feet in front of Jessica. "Do you want to perform with us, the amazing men of One Direction, in tonight's concert?" Louis spoke before I could say anything. The girls' eyes widened and they looked at each other. Screams erupted from their throats and they hugged each other, then calmed down and looked back at us. "Of. Freaking. Course!" Kate exclaimed. I laughed.

"Well, then we've got some work do to, haven't we?"

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