Chapter 5

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**Chapter 5**

I sat up slowly in my bed, rubbing my eyes. It was five in the morning, and I am not a morning person. At all. But, hey, at least I'd managed to get some sleep; maybe five hours' worth? I'd gone to bed at ten and had been so excited about the next day that I couldn't fall asleep until some time between midnight and one.

I glanced to my left and, as expected, Jessica was still asleep. I sighed and forced myself off of the comfy bed and over to the dresser with my clothes in it. I picked out a t-shirt and shorts and headed for the bathroom, starting the shower. I had to resist the urge to sing in the shower because 1: It would wake up Jessica, and 2: I usually sang One Direction music, and there was the slight chance they might be awake and somehow hear me. After about forty-five minutes in the shower - don't judge - and an hour doing my hair and such, I finally walked out of the bathroom and into the main room, where I sat on the couch. My hand reached for the remote and I flipped through all the channels, finding nothing to my liking. Great. What am I supposed to do while everyone's asleep? I walked over to the kitchen area and found a laminated paper. It said that the hotel served breakfast from 5:30 to 10:00am. Hallelujah! Something to do!  I grabbed my little shoulder bag and headed for the door after slipping on my flip-flops. I silently closed the door and made my way to the elevator. I waited patiently and got out on the first floor. Now, to find the dining area... I looked around but couldn't find any signs or anything, so I decided to ask the lady at the desk. "Excuse me, where is breakfast being served?" I asked politely. "Down the hall directly behind you, third door on the left," she said, smiling. I thanked her and followed her directions.

Not surprisingly, the room was also beautiful and expensive-looking. I noticed a buffet, so I walked over and grabbed a plate. My eyes went straight for the French toast, and I moved without paying attention to my surroundings. I reached for the tongs and my elbow rammed into someone. I looked up, surprised. "Oh, I'm sorry I- Niall?" I started to apologize. The familiar face smiled at me. "Hey, Kamaryn. Mornin'," he said. "Good morning! What are you doing here so early? Where's everyone else?" I asked curiously, glancing around the room. I was secretly looking for Harry; I wanted to see him again. "Oh... they're still in the room. I woke up and I was hungry, so I came down for breakfast," he said sheepishly. I smiled, my attention turning back towards him. "Ah, I see. I woke up at five o'clock and didn't know what to do, so I just got ready and came here. The girls are all asleep." Niall nodded. My mind turned back to food, and I selected four pieces of French toast with bacon and syrup. "Want to sit together?" Niall asked, carrying two plates full of food. I laughed and nodded. We sat at a table close to the buffet, in case Niall wanted seconds... Or should I say thirds? Fourths?

 We ate in silence, and I was surprised when Niall didn't go back up to the buffet. He must have caught my questioning glance, because he blushed a little bit. "I didn't want to seem rude by eating like a pig," he confessed. I laughed. "Hey, don't mind me! Eat your heart out!" He grinned and headed up for more food. I shook my head, grinning. I finished my last piece of bacon and took my plate up to a counter labeled 'DISHES'. When I came back, Niall was holding a fork in one hand and my phone in another. "Hey! Why do you have my phone?" I questioned, placing my hands on my hips. He looked up at me sheepishly. "Er.. I heard it go off, so I was going to answer it, but I didn't get back in time." My gaze softened. "Oh, okay then. Who called?" I asked, taking my phone back. I checked my missed calls. 'You have one missed call from Jess(:' I read. "Was it Jessica?" Niall said. I nodded. "I'm gonna call her back, want me to put it on speaker?" Niall blushed a little and shrugged, which I took as a yes. I hit the call button and put it on speaker. "Kamaryn! Where are you? I woke up and you were gone!" she almost screamed into the phone. I cringed slightly. "Calm down, Jessica! I'm just down stairs eating breakfast. Niall's here too, say hi Niall!" I responded. "Uhm... Hi Jessica. Mornin'," he said shyly. There was a pause before Jessica responded, more excited than angry now. "Hi, Niall! How was breakfast?" I smiled. "It was amazing! This hotel has awesome food!" I responded before he could. "Are the others awake yet?" I continued. "Yeah, they're over here in our room. And I can tell the boys are awake, because I could hear them a few minutes ago!" she laughed, and I heard laughter in the background. "We'll get them and come down, I suppose." Jessica shushed someone/someones. "Okay, see you soon! Bye!" Niall and I said at the same time, and I hung up.

Twenty minutes later, the dining room door opened, revealing my beloved boys and girls and they playfully pushed and shoved their way in. "It's about time you showed up!" I said smiling as they walked over. "Yeah, sorry about that. Mr. Vain over here took forever messing with his hair. The rest of us were already ready!" Kate laughed. Zayn just shrugged and headed for the food. The rest of the guys followed suit after laughing at Zayn, and the girls just came over to me and Niall. "You're not gonna eat? Why?" Niall asked, almost shocked, when they sat across from us. "Well, we didn't know what was going on, so we ate upstairs in our room," Jessica answered. "Oh... 'kay. Still, it's really good food, if you change your mind," Niall replied somewhat shyly. What was up with him and Jessica? If he liked her he should just spill it, already! Boys...

 Harry walked back with food piled high on his plate and sat next to me. "Good morning! How was breakfast?" he cheerfully greeted me. "Good morning! It was amazing! Some of the best French toast I've ever had, to be honest," I replied, smiling. Harry nodded and dug in to his own food, while Zayn, Liam, and Louis came back over to sit with us. "I guess there's not really any point in waiting until eleven to meet up, since we're already here. What are we gonna do today?" Kira piped up, sneeking a glance at Louis. Liam looked up from his food and replied. "Oh, you know... We'll go places..." he smirked. More surprises? Urgh! "I should warn you, surprises are often times not my friends," I said, looking around at the guys. "I think you'll like this one," Harry said simply, then went back to eating. This is hopeless! I won't be able to get any information out of them! I guess I'll just have to wait and see...


Eh just a little filler chapter I suppose... It's short, I know :P

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