Chapter 2: "But I can't." "I will."

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*Amelia's POV*

I spit to get rid of the yucky taste in my mouth after protecting myself from the man with the scissors. The scissors still lay on the ground where he was previously stood. He didn't even yelp when I bit him. He simply stood, dropped the scissors, and speed-walked out the door. I like the nice doctor. He didn't force me down and poke me with sharp things like the others in white coats. I only bit him because of the scissors. The scissors make me remember daddy. He hurt me everyday with sharp things.

But the nice doctor is not daddy.

Daddy smelled like grease, alcohol, and doggy poo. Daddy was the size of a big tree, with hands like the tree's roots. Gnarled and always holding onto something. Whether it was a glass bottle, a stick, or me.

The nice doctor speaks a little funny, but his presence is very calming, despite his funny voice. The nice doctor smells like soap, mint, and sunshine (even though we're indoors). His hands feel like the most comforting thing in the world. Smooth and soft, meanwhile emanating a reassuring warmth. I feel bad for biting him now. I wish I can say "I'm sorry."

But I can't.

Two of the people in white stood near the door, peeking at me through the window. I growl at them and desperately try to pull my leg from the metal cuff on my ankle that chained me to the bed. After many failed attempts, I scream in frustration and chuck my pillow at the doctors who stare at me in fear. I wish I can yell "Let me go!" or "My butt's itchy!"

But I can't.

The lady and the man quickly leave after my outburst and once again I'm left to my own private-volatile-childish 7 year old thoughts in the cold, white room. Seconds bled into minutes which bled into hours which bled into midnight. Eventually I got bored so I fell asleep, dreaming of when I was five and happy with mama. Singing with mama, dancing with mama, running with mama. My little seven year old head forgets a lot, but I remember the running most vividly. 

*Shaun's POV*

I walk into the parking structure and Dr. Glassman is already in his car waiting near the entrance to pick me up. He rolls down the window and calls, "Come on Shaun! Hustle a little bit."

I pick my pace up from a walk to a quick shuffle, then slide into the front passenger seat. I shut the door and fumble with the seatbelt a little since I only have one hand to work with. I miss my hand. 

Dr. Melendez told me to not be a baby. I told him that I'm not, I'm a 24 year-old adult. I think he was just joking. Claire told me so. Then she taught me how to know if someone's joking or being serious. 

1. If the person is saying something mean or rude BUT is smiling while doing so... he or she is just joking.

2. If the person is laughing or chuckling while saying something mean, he or she is joking.

Then she gave me an example. 

She said, "Shaun, what did you eat today man? You're breath stinks!" Then smiled and giggled. She finished the example with a playful punch to my arm. After giving me a demonstration on how to 'joke' she pointed to Jared on the other side of the room, getting a drink from the vending machine, and says, "Try it on him."

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