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Elizabeth arranged her dress for the party she was supposed to go. She was very excited.The blue dress fit perfectly on her perfect body.Although it seemed too extravagant for a simple party, she gladly accepted the dress specially made for her.She arranged her bangs, revealing both eyes.She shoeed her black shoes and then left the room.She had to go in with Arthur although she would have liked to have her dear love beside her.

Pov Elizabeth

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Pov Elizabeth

I went down stairs easily, when I got to the end I found Arthur waiting for me.He stretched out his hand as he prepared to open the door. I can not wait to see Meliodas.I accepted his hand with great pleasure, coming in at the same time hearing many applause and shouting.I immediately recognized some voices. They came from my beloved dessy friends as well as from Hawk.Not long after our entry, I saw my protectors approaching me.Still beside them were two strangers to me. A tall girl who I think it's Gelda. Zeldris' beloved whom he told me. And a tall man..... He is very tall and muscular, and wears a orange longcoat with silver gauntlets and boots . He has silver hair and noticeable facial stubble. He has the same demonic mark as his brothers, but unlike Meliodas, it is above his left eye similar to his younger brother Zeldris.He approached me so hard that I can feel how his breath was on my skin. ,, Good to see you again ... Elizabeth.''The way he pronounced my name made me remain frozen.

Stay away from him.

It was the first thought that struck my head.So I took off so fast on him as he looked at me with a strange wish.I felt the eyes of my friends aiming at me. I felt how he had such a familiar aura. I knew him somewhere but ... where.

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