DWM 10.

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   The initial shock from the kiss wore off, and now I was walking around like cupid was using me for target practice and I was taking every arrow as they came. Like I was just walking through a field of daisies with no destination in mind; floating on a cloud way up in the sky. I was in another world.

   I slid my room key through the entrance slot and pushed open the door. Dinah was making out with Siope on her bed, but this time I didn't make faux gagging sounds, or turn in the opposite direction. I walked over to my bed and placed my bag down grabbing my things to shower. Dinah and Siope pulled apart from one another quickly. Dinah wiped at her mouth, "Uh, Mila, I didn't notice that you came back." I nodded.

"Just gonna take a shower,"

"Did you have a nice night? I see you're in Harry's clothes." I looked down at the black and red flannel I was wearing and the black sweats. "Yeahhh." I cooed.

     I realized she was likely questioning me to distract from the fact I walked in on her and Siope making out, but I didn't care anymore, okay, maybe that was just been kissed Camila talking, but I didn't care, and that's all that mattered. "Carry on ya love birds." I smiled at them and walked into the bathroom.

   As the water from the shower head poured down on me I was alone with my thoughts. I still can't believe I had my first kiss minutes ago. It's quite a story to tell, my first kiss was in London with a very attractive british man. I finished up, dried myself off and got dressed in highwaisted jeans shorts and a white tanktop with an orange plus sign on it.

   Walking out of the bathroom I was slightly surprised to see all of my friends. Normani and Lauren were on Dinah's bed and Ally was on mine. "Hey guys." I pushed my damp hair past my shoulder. They all stared at me silently, almost as if they were observing. I put my clothes into my laundry bag and plugged my phone in to the charger. They were still quiet. "Am I having an intervention or something?" I joked, sitting beside Ally on my bed, indian style. I grabbed a pillow and rested it on my lap. "I was making out with Siope and you didn't even as much as cringe, and then you said "carry on ya love birds" we're worried about you." Dinah said. Boy, did I laugh hard.

"That's not normal Camila behavior." Normani said. "You usually are on the verge of throwing up."

"You guys can't be serious." I looked around at their unchanging expressions. "Oh my god, you guys are being serious."

"And last night you spent the night at Harry's.." Ally said.

"And came back in his clothes." Dinah said.

   Lauren was probably silent because she did the same thing with Zayn, except I think they did a little more than just sleeping. "We didn't do anything." I truthfully said. "We hung out last night, talked, came back to his place and watched Sinister then we fell asleep, really and this morning, I got my period so he gave me a change of clothes. I swear." I held my hands up in surrender.

"Is that why you're so giddy?" Lauren asked. My heart started racing and I really wanted to tell them but I knew they were going to make a big deal, but I did it instead, "When Harry brought me back to the hotel earlier, I had my first kiss." Normani placed her hand over her heart and slid off the bed very dramatically acting like she had a heart attack.

"SHUT. UP!" Ally gasped. Lauren was clapping and squealing, and Dinah was telling Normani that she owed her twenty dollars. "I knew it'd be with Harry." Ally said confidently.

"Right? I just saw the instant connection between you two the first night." Lauren beamed. Then all four of them bear hugged me.

   "How was it?" Normani asked.

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